Payroll App update v2.19.74 - Improved app handling on incomplete employee set up (IMPORANT UPDATE)

Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,720 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
edited January 2024 in Reckon Payroll

Reckon Payroll App update v2.19.74

The Payroll App has received an update to version v2.19.74 which allows the app to identify, handle and resolve issues with the setup of employees and their info.

Some users were experiencing issues with the ability to edit employee details and would encounter a situation where the employee profile page would fail to load correctly and therefore unable to add the respective employee to a pay run.

This update solves the cause of this issue and its highly recommend that all Payroll App users download and install this update as soon as possible from their respective app store.

Download the latest update from your app store -



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