Adjustments didn't migrate
The adjustments I made in the old STP app have not migrated to the new Payroll App. I can't log on to old app to complete EOFY
@Belindawil If you want to create an EOFY 20/21 Payrun for finalisation report to ATO you could first make adjustments to the Initial YTD 20/21 Summaries of the employees in Settings menu of Payroll app to match the final figures. Once the EOFY figures match with what it was in the old STP app you can submit the EOFY report.
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Can you give me a bit more information on what you mean and how you've verified that adjustments made in the old STP app haven't migrated over?
If you haven't created any pay runs in the Payroll App itself yet then the total balances brought over from the old app will be found in the 'Initial YTD' tab in the employee profile and as @swakhlu01 . has advised above, you can make adjustments to employee's initial YTD figures if they are incorrect.
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I made adjustments in he old app so everything balanced according to my accounting software but did not finalize, When I went to the new app those adjustments are not reflected in the totals to finalize. I tried to repeat the adjustments but wasn't successful because:
a) The first adjustment is to add wages without any tax which it is not allowing me to do
b) The second adjustment I can't find anywhere YTD figures.
I have contacted the ATO and they wanted me to do adjustments in Reckon which I don't seem to be able to do.
Please Help
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For the 2nd adjustment I found the YTD tab put in the figures I thought should be there for the end of last financial year and now I have what looks like whatever amount was there plus the amount I entered! My EOFY report for that employee is now doubled!
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@Belindawil The total balances of the STP submissions you migrated from that old app are in the Initial YTD section inside the employee's profile.
The submissions themselves are in the STP tab.
It took me a while to get my head around this aspect as well.
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Hi @Belindawil
As Eric has mentioned above, when you migrate your data from the STP app to the Payroll App, the data from your previous submissions are transferred into the 'STP' tab on the Pay Run screen. The total balance of those submissions for each employee is found in the 'Initial YTD' tab within the employee's profile.
If you need to make any changes to the balances that have been brought over from the old STP app you can do so by editing the balances in the 'initial YTD' tab for an employee.
I'll link some information from on of our help guides below which outlines this in more detail -
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Thanks for help. Still had trouble trying to enter information in YTD and any adjustments until I deleted app and then downloaded it again - then everything worked just as it is meant to.
Finally all is balanced :)
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Good stuff @Belindawil, glad its all solved for you 🙂
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