Additional Employer Super

Ray_10758703 Member Posts: 29 Reckoner Reckoner
edited January 2024 in Reckon Payroll

I have asked this question several times now and the last time I asked was nearly a year ago and was informed the matter would be addressed and rectified.

I have an issue with the payroll app and the way the super item is set up. There are only 2 options...1 is SGC and the other is Salary Sacrifice. There also needs to be an 'Additional Employer Super' item added.

There are many employers that put more than the required amount into their employees funds without the employee having to Salary Sacrifice. My employer is one of those.

Here we are nearly a year later and your program developers have not rectified this issue. I'm a little disappointed in the fact I was told it would be addressed and yet nearly a year later, there's no change. Why is that?


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,720 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited May 2022

    Hi Ray

    Yes you're right this has feature has been on the 'coming soon' list for a little while now and there's a been a few reasons for that.

    The EA super functionality has been developed in conjunction with a much larger body of work and is only one piece of that release. For the EA super function to work (properly) there are a number of dependencies that it relies on such as the ability to create the item itself, an employee superannuation template, a pay item template within the employee profile, interactivity within the pay run creation screen itself etc. All of that are components of just that one piece of functionality so there's a fair bit of development work involved in just that and as I mentioned its part of a much bigger release with other functionality and enhancements that need to come through to both the mobile app and web access of the app which also require time, people and resources.

    We're splitting this larger update in two and the first part of it will come through to the web access of the Payroll App within the next 2-3 days and then to the mobile app at the end of next week. Part 2 which includes the EA super functionality is scheduled toward the end of next month (before EOFY). I do need to advise though this can be subject to change pending any issues arising during testing and as always needs to go through Apple/Google's approval process as well.

    Admittedly, yes we wanted to have this out the door a lot sooner than this but we've got a number of projects on the go including work required for STP Phase 2 that is coming soon, tax table updates for all other Reckon products, a new Invoices App and so on. As you can imagine that dictates a fair level of resource allocation as well.

    Hopefully that has provided some clarity and rest assured we're still committed to delivering on this. Apologies that its taken a tad longer than we both would have liked.


  • Ray_10758703
    Ray_10758703 Member Posts: 29 Reckoner Reckoner

    Thank you Rav for this response. I now have a clear picture of time frame. Regards Ray