I deleted a payrun after already submitted to ATO.

Sue Mcfarlane
Sue Mcfarlane Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member
edited January 2024 in Reckon Payroll

Hi I was going to edit a payrun that I had already submited. I changed my mind and didn't want to proceed with the change that I proposed making. I then wanted to go back to ignore the edit, and deleted the draft. Thinking this will return it to the original payrun (already submitted) . The payrun is displayed in the STP Latest submissions tab as "success" but has disappeared from the pay run tab. If I reenter that payrun do I send it to the ATO as an adjusment?

Thank you



  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,728 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi Sue,

    Yes, re-enter the pay run in the app and for the resulting STP submission ensure that you tick the 'submit as an adjustment' option on the declaration screen.

  • Sue Mcfarlane
    Sue Mcfarlane Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member

    Thank you so much Rav, I wanted to avoid submitting two pay runs for the same payweek. You have clarified it for me.

    Thanks again for your speedy reply.😃