Australian Retirement Trust change of USI

From 1st of July Australian Retirement Trust have changed USI. I cannot change the record in the super fund record in Reckon One, I cannot set up an new one, and I cannot put a USI on each employee record (which seems to be the answer in the reckon desktop accounts version - yes I searched and that is the only other discussion I found) How is this resolved in RECKON ONE? New USI from 1st July 60 905 115 063 003 but same ABN as before.
Hi Rav - thanks for speedy response.
Yes, I have found it now - why is it under QSUPER and how do I select the correct USI for ART please
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I'll be honest I'm not exactly an expert in this area but all I did to populate the above result was enter the ABN into the 'Super Fund name/ABN' field on the Super Funds tab and Reckon One did the rest ie. it generated QSuper as the fund and displayed its relevant products including the Australian Retirement Trust with the USI in question.
Give that a go and see if that works for you.
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Ah - S'ok - now I can select ART on each employee - Thanks for your help!