Reckon One, Super Fund ABN and USI dont match in drop down box
I am setting up Reckon One for the first time. One on my employees Superannuation fund is BT For Life ABN 39827542991 with USI BTA0287AU.
When this is entered in the Super setup area it doesn't populate in the drop down box when trying to select the correct super fund.
Can any shed some light on how to fix this issue?
Hi @KathleenRay
Just as a test I've entered that ABN into my Reckon One test book and its populated the various products for that fund including that specific USI. Screenshot example below. Is this not appearing for you?
(You need to enter the ABN without any spaces before or after the number so that Reckon One can recognise it.)
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Hi Rav, how odd that was not coming up yesterday, but it is showing now.
Thank you
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