Extra tax deducted when dates are listed for time and a half
Note: If the Date from and Date to fields are entered on non-leave items, the ATO casual daily tax table may be used to calculate PAYG tax (NAT 1024)
This is the message on Reckon 1. Is there any way to stop this from happening and just take correct tax on gross figure
Hi Kris
From what I understand, if you just leave those fields blank Reckon One won't use the daily tax table for the specified dates and will automatically switch to the relevant tax table instead
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Yes but the client wanted to record the dates for reference - so no way to use the feature without the incorrect tax being recorded?
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Unfortunately, not with those specific fields no. With that said, would the pay period (start date/end date) provide the same info that the client is looking for?
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The pay dates tell you what week it has occurred in but not the specific days that were worked, and sometimes it’s handy to have that info recorded. I would also like the same details recorded for sick leave taken, but mostly in Hosted.
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