Is it possible to unfinalise a financial year for 2021 and 2022 due to salary sacrifice error.

I have processed a pay run for the effected employees as at 30.06.21 and 30.06.22 for 1 cent to generate something to lodge, as per your other posts, hoping it would unfinalise as described. But when i try to lodge the pay event, or an update, it doesn't provide a file descriptive for lodgement. Assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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There's no specific process to 'unfinalise' itself. If you send through a pay run or update event STP submission etc for the respective financial year AFTER an EOFY finalisation has been sent it will automatically 'unfinalise' or in other words switch their status back to 'Not Tax Ready'.
After you've made any necessary changes, send through a NEW end of financial year finalisation and it will overwrite any previous balances.
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When processing the STP lodgement process the file written will not upload to the ATO. is there a work around there. I have named the file and saved, but can't locate it. The it defaulted to a description for 2022 pay but it also will not upload. we're at a loss.
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Can you give me more info on what you mean by the 'file is not uploading'?
If you've named and saved the STP file it will be in your Q drive in Reckon Accounts Hosted. You can then use the Floating Toolbar in Reckon Accounts Hosted to download it to your PC.
When it comes to uploading the file to GovConnect to send it are you encountering an error message? If so, what is it?
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so the first component is the saving of the JSon file. We have manually named the file but it does not save. Then we had the 2022 file name as a code. The second problem is that when we go to Gov connect, you select the file but it does not display in the ready for lodgement and basically just ignores the request.
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have you tried leaving the filename as it is and not renaming it
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yes we had to name one, but the 2022 named itself with a code, which was interesting. Either case, when in gov connect, you attach the file and nothing happens from there, it is not there ready for lodgement. There is also no error message.
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Hi Leonie,
This might be a long shot and no help at all, but after you upload the file in the portal, are you scrolling down to the date of the upload i.e. 30-06-22? Depending on how many STP submissions you do, it might not be visible on your screen and I think it's put into date order, not newest uploads first. HTH
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Has the STP file you are now creating in Reckon Accounts Hosted been created as a new pay event or an update event/full file replacement AND are you selecting the corresponding option in GovConnect for the upload?
Below is a quick screen recording of just an example of the process I go through in my test account (Click on it for a larger view). You'll see that my STP file has been created as just a normal pay event and in GovConnect I select the 'New Pay Run' option for the upload.
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In Gov Connect do you only have one tab - the Reckon Hosted one?
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May I say JUDY.A is my hero!!!! Of course it was there Judy. Sometimes the simple things in life are the most efficient. I cannot thank you enough. I can now get on with real work. Even the ATO were at a loss. Thank you to all who have shown an interest in our problems. It is heart warming. Cheers. Leonie Kretschmann.
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Great news Leonie! I'm glad you could get it sorted.
It's so frustrating when you're certain everything has been done correctly and you cannot figure out what's happened.