How do I add access to my Accountant in Reckon One ?

Hi All
How do I add access to my Accountant in Reckon One ?
The accountant has set up access and accepted invitation I sent as a staff member with "view only" access but he cannot see reports etc to do year end accounts - apparently..
Is this right access to give the accountant as I don't want them to do any adjustments in my accounts, in case they stuff it up as they are not a regular user of Reckon One [ ie just need them to be able to download data and import into their accountants software to produce financial statements and do company tax return ].
I found a similar post from 2017 in the discussion group and could not open the how to video..
thanks in advance
The usual method on providing access is to share your Reckon One book using the steps in the guide linked below. This does however
Adding via staff member access is a bit different as it provides access to the Reckon Portal account as well. I'll add a guide which has more info on that process here.