Modifying submitted STP's

Violeta Member Posts: 8 Novice Member Novice Member

My accountant has gone through my STP Submissions and has told me that some of my submissions are incorrect and need to be revised.

An employee for example has super added when it shouldn't of been added ( The app had automatically added an amount ) , I'm unable to change it though.

There's also 3 staff that i need to change the paid totals to , to reflect the correct amount paid to them .

For the life of me i can't see an "Edit " option aywhere on the phone app or the pc app which will allow me to modify STP submissions.


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,786 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi Violeta

    This post has been created in the Reckon One software category however you've mentioned you're using the phone app, so can I just clarify, are you using the Reckon Payroll App or Reckon One?

  • Tanvi_kataria
    Tanvi_kataria Reckon Staff Posts: 368 Reckon Staff

    Hi Violeta

    As Rav mentioned ☝️, If you please clarify about the product that you're using for the payroll submissions, we can give you a better solution to that.

    However, there is no way where you can Modify the STP submissions. This can be modified if you modify the pay runs and re-submit that to ATO.

    An Overview on how that works:

    If you're using Reckon One - Find attached screenshot and it will help you with your query:

    • Undo Pay run will allow you to make changes.
    • Once you are done with the changes - Finish Pay run - Send to GovConnect - Launch to GovConnect and finalize the submission

    If it's Payroll App - follow the below mentioned steps:

    • Click on Sign In - Reckon Payroll
    • Enter the credentials (Same which are used for Payroll App on Mobile), Bypass the verification.
    • Follow the steps in the screenshot below as Pay run - Select the Pay run - click on Options - revert to Draft.
    • Once it's reverted back to Draft - Make changes by clicking on the pencil highlighted in the attached picture and mark as paid.
    • And it will enable the option to submit to ATO as Resubmit to ATO and that will be submitted as an updated event.

    I hope this information helps you. Please let us know, if you have any more questions. :)

  • Violeta
    Violeta Member Posts: 8 Novice Member Novice Member

    I was the "Payroll " app.

    Theres no edit setting on phone, normally its in the top right hand corner.. but its greyed out...? , cant edit even the most recent ones either.

    I also get the following pop up when i try log into the app.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,786 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Thanks for confirming @Violeta

    It looks like your Payroll App plan is still on the now-retired basic plan, you'll need to upgrade to the premium plan in order to make changes to your data, create any further pay runs or STP submissions etc.

    There's info on how you can upgrade to the premium plan in the article linked below -

    Once you've upgraded, you can edit any existing pay runs and send an update event by following the steps in this guide linked below -

  • Violeta
    Violeta Member Posts: 8 Novice Member Novice Member

    Esseentially unless i pay money , I'm unable to modify tax documents during the period it was free ?

    That doesn't seem ethical .

    All good though I'll call the ATO up directly and let them know changes need to be made on their end.