Reckon Payroll App - Adjusting Super
Hi there,
I have a client that has upgraded to STP2 using the App and l have just gone in to check everything and it appears the super was still being paid at 10.5% rather than 11% from July 1.
I ran a payroll and tried to adjust the amount using the fixed amount option but when l checked the YTD figures the extra amount (difference between 10.5 to 11%) came up under RESC rather than Super Guarantee.
Can anyone advise how to fix this?
I think we'll need a bit more info on how the super item they are using in their pay runs has been setup. Was it initially set to % rather than Statutory rate?
The SG item is set to statutory rate by default however the option to change that is possible in the setup of the item and/or on the fly in a pay run.
If the amount of super you're adding in a pay run exceeds the statutory 11% then the additional amount is attributed to RESC.
Quick example -
I've created a pay run below which has $1000.00 ordinary earnings and I've added super guarantee of $200.00 using the Fixed Amount option. As this exceeds the 11% statutory rate the additional $90.00 will be attributed to RESC.
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Hi Rav,
Yes when l went in to add the extra between the 10.5% & 11% into this weeks pay run for them - it had percentage ticked rather than statutory rate. I changed it to Fixed amount to allow me to put $ value in. When l processed the payrun and checked YTD the super SG amount was incorrect and the extra to fix it was sitting as RESC.
Very confusing l know. When l went back and put the pay run to Draft and fixed, the super is statutory rate ticked which happened by itsself.
Going forward it is fixed. But for the last 8 weeks l need to adjust the SG amount to fix so the ATO has correct amounts paid.
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Hi Rav,
Just following up on my comments on Friday. Do you have any suggestions on how l can fix the super amount?
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Hopefully I'm understanding your situation correctly, I think rather than using Fixed Amount, switch the super item to calculate using the Statutory Rate option instead. This will recalculate the pay run and reallocate/remove any amounts from RESC.
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Thanks Rav,
So l need to add extra super to cover the past 8 weeks that the app calculated at 10.5% rather than 11%.
Just confirming, l run a normal weeks payroll but change the super to Statutory Rate, add the extra amounts to balance the super then process. This will then add the extra super to SG balance at ATO rather than add it to RESC? Is that correct?
Happy to give it a go.
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Hey @JulesBousattout
You edited and updated the 8 pay runs from % to fixed amount, correct?
If so, then you'll need to edit those 8 pay runs that have been set to calculate super at the Fixed Rate and change it to statutory rate instead. Once that is done, mark the pay run as paid.
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Hi Rav,
No the client ran the payruns already from 1 July to 1 September with 10.5% super only and submitted to the ATO. When l was checking her figures last week, l noticed that the super was only calculated at 10.5% instead of 11%. There are 3 options. Statutory Rate, Percentage and Fixed. The percentage was ticked but it was at 10.5% and not 11%. I tried to tick Fixed to add extra amount to balance the super at 11% to 1 September but when l processed this weeks pay, the extra amount went to RESC instead of SG so l put payroll back to draft and fixed to remove the RESC amount.
I was asking if l can fix it during this weeks pay run or if l have to go back and redo all the payruns from 1 July to 1 September with the correct super amount and resubmit. If l have to do this, how do l do it without stuffing up the EOY figures?
Very confusing l know, l apologize. Am happy for you to call me if that is allowed.
Other question was...Sorry, can l edit pay runs that have been submitted to ATO already?
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Sorry Rav,
So you mean to go into each pay run one at a time from 1 July, edit so it becomes a Draft and fix the super to statutory rate check amounts then mark as paid and resubmit to ATO?
Will this override the previous ones?
I was just a little nervous if l did that it would stuff up the EOY year amounts to now.
Thanks Jules
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Ok, I think I'm on the same page with you now ๐
I tried to tick Fixed to add extra amount to balance the super at 11% to 1 September but when l processed this weeks pay, the extra amount went to RESC instead of SG so l put payroll back to draft and fixed to remove the RESC amount.
It sounds like you've already fixed the RESC aspect of this with the above which is great ๐
Which brings us to the next part...
So you mean to go into each pay run one at a time from 1 July, edit so it becomes a Draft and fix the super to statutory rate check amounts then mark as paid and resubmit to ATO?
Will this override the previous ones?
Yes the above is what I was referring to.
You can edit any previous pay runs that have been created and I'll link some info on how to do this below -
To me, what it sounds like you need to do from here is edit those existing pay runs that have been created with the % option for super and change it to Statutory Rate instead. This will recalculate the super component within that specific pay run.
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Thanks Rav,
Cool, l think l know what l am doing now. I am going to fix each pay run that is incorrect and resubmit to ATO as your link advises.
I just have one more question. This client does her payroll on the app on her phone. Do l need to log into app on phone or can l fix it all via the reckon portal?
Thank you so much for your help. I appreciate it heaps.
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Good stuff.
To be honest, I think this will be a lot easier to manage in the full web access version of the Payroll App account which is available by simply logging in at with the same login details as the mobile app.
However, if they'd rather do it in the app then I'll add info on how to edit existing pay runs on the mobile app itself below -
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Thanks Rav,
If l was to update it using the full web version can they still go on to use the app or will it force them to use full version?
If it makes no difference l will do on full web version as its easier to see what l am doing.
Thanks Jules
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Nope not at all, access via the mobile app and web version will be available so you can use either option at any stage to access the account.
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OMG music to my ears. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your time.
Kind regards
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