Salary Sacrifice - YTD summary - showing under Total RECS

Salary Sacrifice is showing as Total RECS rather than Total Superannuation - in YTD summary This was because the incorrect setting of pay item/superannuation please see below screenshot.
Please assist how to amend the setting.
Thanks Elizabeth
Salary sacrifice is RESC so if you have included this in your payruns then that's where it should be reported.
Unless I'm misunderstanding your post?
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Hi Eric
Thank you for your post.
I thought the salary sacrifice $ should be consolidated in 'Total Superannuation $' .
If salary sacrifice is RECS, will it be reported as RECS in PAYG Summary at end of June 24 ?
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As Eric has mentioned, Salary sacrifice to super is a RESC component. It will be sent as such as part of your STP submissions.
There is more general info about RESC from the ATO from their site HERE.
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Thank you Rav and Eric for your help.
Kind regards