Create ABA file and email Payslip in Reckon Payroll

Patrick_8319167 Member Posts: 40 Reckoner Reckoner
edited January 2024 in Reckon Payroll

We are currently migrated from Payroll Premier to Reckon Payroll (We are not using Reckon One). Is anyone know how can I create ABA file for the pay run in Reckon Payroll? Also, is anyone know how to email payslips to employee in Reckon Payroll?


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  • Lucas
    Lucas Reckon Staff Posts: 340 Reckon Staff

    Hi @Patrick_8319167,

    When you are migrated from Payroll Premier over to Reckon Payroll, you will also have access to Reckon one where you will be able to generate an ABA file.

    Step 1: Setting up your Internet banking to accept ABA file.

    Before you can upload the ABA files to your bank portal, you will need to speak with your bank to get access to your special online login account, where you have the ability to upload the ABA file.

    Note: Not all login has this ability.

    Step 2: Setting up Reckon One. You will have to configure your book by adding the bank details such as BSB, account numbers and accounts names etc in your bank account and employee’s record. As these details are required when exporting the payments (ABA) file to the bank.

    In regard to emailing pay slips to employees in Reckon Payroll, you will only be able to do so after marking a pay-run as 'paid' and you should see a button in the same spot to 'send pay slips' and select employees within the pay-run or view them.

    If you require further clarification, privately message me and we can discuss this further.

    Thank you and have a lovely day.

    Kind regards,


  • Patrick_8319167
    Patrick_8319167 Member Posts: 40 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Lucas,

    I never use Reckon One before. Is there any user guide that help me to setup bank details and employee record in Reckon One.

    Also, after process a payrun, how to transfer the payment details from Reckon Payroll to Reckon One?

    Many thanks



  • Tanvi_kataria
    Tanvi_kataria Reckon Staff Posts: 357 Reckon Staff

    Morning Patrick -

    Please find the attached documents for your reference -

    Setting up a BankData account on Reckon One - Reckon Help and Support Centre

    BankData signup & configuration for Reckon One - Reckon Help and Support Centre

    I am hoping this will help you with your query. Feel free to let us know for any concerns/issues. Thank you!



  • Pia
    Pia Member Posts: 76 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Lucas

    I have ABA details and bank account but I don't know how to create the ABA file to export pays to bank.

    Any help greatly appreciated.



  • Lucas
    Lucas Reckon Staff Posts: 340 Reckon Staff

    Hi @Pia,

    I would like you to please navigate to Reckon Customer Portal and login with your account details that you currently use for Reckon Payroll.

    Once you are logged into Reckon one, could you navigate to the banking section and select 'Bank accounts', you will be able to see the defaults within Reckon one:

    Once you are in the Bank accounts section, click add and enter your banking details for the account.

    The next step would be to navigate to the employee section and select the employee and opening the employee record,

    Clicking on the employment tab and adding a new row in the payments tab and entering the employee details.

    Next, we will now go to bank payments by navigating to the banking section again and clicking add, where you will need to select the bank account you previously setup.

    Now that you have added an unprocessed bank payment, please start adding new payment items for your employees and click generate file to receive the ABA file.

    If you would like further assistance, please feel free to reach out to me.

    Kind regards,


  • Pia
    Pia Member Posts: 76 Reckoner Reckoner

    Perfect, thank you Lucas :)

  • Patrick_8319167
    Patrick_8319167 Member Posts: 40 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Lucas,

    After create the payrun in Reckon Payroll, I mark it as paid in Reckon Payroll. Then I went to ReckonOne, I cannot find any unprocess payment.

    Did I do it wrong?

  • Lucas
    Lucas Reckon Staff Posts: 340 Reckon Staff

    Hi @Patrick_8319167,

    We may have just missed a step here; would you mind sending me your email via private message and I'll request access and take a look on my end?



  • Gayle_10863666
    Gayle_10863666 Member Posts: 55 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hello Lucas, I am also getting stuck here, I'm not understanding what you do when you go to contacts then employees, this now directs you back to Reckon Payroll??

    Thank you

  • zurohki
    zurohki Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited September 2023

    I just hit this issue with payments not showing up in Reckon One.

    In Reckon Payroll, go to Settings -> Payments -> Automatic Payments and make sure "Make payments automatically after each pay run" is checked.

    If it wasn't checked then click it, go back to your pay run, click Options -> Revert To Draft then click Mark As Paid again.

    Payments should show up in Reckon One now.

    I suspect quite a few people who came over from Payroll Premier don't understand generating payments in Reckon One so are unticking this option. There probably needs to be a "Generate payments in Reckon One" button on finished pay runs to manually trigger this function.

  • Gayle_10863666
    Gayle_10863666 Member Posts: 55 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hello, thank you, yes it is checked (screen shot below), but the banks accounts say 'My Bank Account' and not our Company bank account name ?? could that be the problem, when I click on the drop down arrow for bank accounts there is no other option - our bank account is there - see the second screen shot below? very confused, I have to pay this today!!

  • zurohki
    zurohki Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member

    Have you got your bank account set up in Reckon One?

  • Gayle_10863666
    Gayle_10863666 Member Posts: 55 Reckoner Reckoner

    Yes, bank account is in Reckon One - my pay run amount for my payroll payment is showing against the 'My Bank Account' ?

  • Gayle_10863666
    Gayle_10863666 Member Posts: 55 Reckoner Reckoner

    Maybe I should try adding our bank account details to the 'My Bank Account' I'm not sure if that will make things worse, but I can see the amount of my pay run in the 'My Bank Account'

  • zurohki
    zurohki Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member

    I just renamed "My Bank Account" and used that instead of adding one. I have no idea what makes them show up in Payroll, but I expect you'll need your payments under the account you actually intend to pay from for generating an ABA file to work.

  • Gayle_10863666
    Gayle_10863666 Member Posts: 55 Reckoner Reckoner

    Woohoo it's worked, I deleted the bank account under our company name in Reckon One and changed the 'My Bank Account' details to our company name and bank details, the 'My Bank Account' has gone and only our company bank account is there.

    I have done the bank payment, all employees are there and I'm ready to generate the aba file, thank you so much for you advice, it does hep when you have someone else to bounce things off, appreciate it, thank you and regards Gayle


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