Pay Set Up

When setting up a Pay Set Up for Earnings, the drop list does not include annual leave or personal leave. Can they be added to the list?
I have also noticed this, maybe it can only be added when doing a pay run, appreciate if someone could confirm this please.
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Hi @Chris Katopodis & @Gayle_10863666
Just looking to understand your requirement for this a bit more. The Pay Setup feature allows you to add pay items to an employee profile which will then pre-populate every pay run they are included in. Its a helpful way for you save time in entering full pay details each and every pay run, and is particularly useful if an employee is paid the same every pay period.
With that said, you can also add, remove or change any of these pre-populated pay items within the pay run eg. adding any annual or personal leave they've taken during the pay period for example.
Do you have an employee(s) who takes either annual or personal leave regularly every single pay period which is why you wish for it to be pre-populated in the pay run itself via the Pay Setup?
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Hi Rav,
I understand the concept of pre-populating the pay run in the Pay Setup. The problem is that I do not have the choice of adding annual leave or personal leave in the Pay Setup.
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Hi Chris,
Yep I understand that part. I'll need to speak with the devs to confirm but I believe this is by design. If you were to add annual or personal leave to an employee's Pay Setup, that would mean it would appear in every single pay run they're included in ie. it would mean you'd be paying the employee annual/personal leave every pay run.
So rather than doing that, you can just add annual or personal leave to the employee in the pay run as and when required.
I'll go back to my previous question though so I have a better understanding of your requirement, do you have an employee(s) who takes either annual or personal leave regularly every single pay period which is why you wish for it to be pre-populated in the pay run itself via the Pay Setup?
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Chris, why would you want leave to be paid to the employee in every pay run?
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Annual leave and personal is not paid on every pay run. So what you say is correct.
I thought this may have been the way to fix another problem I have identified.
The actual problem is that when annual leave and personal leave is paid it does not default to the base rate. The base rate needs to be manually added for annual and personal leave. I do not understand why this is the case. Surely, the base rate for annual leave and personal leave is the same as the normal hours base rate.
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I see what you mean @Chris Katopodis
You're referring to this screen when the leave item is added to the pay run itself, it presents a blank rate field, is that correct?
I'll speak with the product team in regard to this and see what improvements can be made there.
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Yes, that's it!
I can't see why the base rate for annual and personal leave would be different to the base rate for normal hours.
Thank you Rav and I look forward to the follow up
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Hi Chris, just a quick short update.
Just had a meeting with the product devs and raised this with them. Funnily enough, its something they had on their radar already which is good. They'll look toward improving this section to pull in the base rate specified in the Pay Setup when adding both leave and overtime items in the pay run.
I can't comment on 'when' or timeframes etc but hopefully it'll be a quick bit of work as it'll definitely make things easier.
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Hi folks,
Just wanted to loop back to this and let you know this has been fixed up.
When adding leave, overtime items etc the rate field will pre-populate with the rate from the employee's Pay Setup.
For more info on the Pay Setup feature, check the post linked below -