Superannuation funds - Fund product list

Is anyone else having an issue where it won't let you select a fund product from the list that populates.
It won't let me select any of the fund products that show - so frustrating!
Should i not be able to select one?
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Good to see you've made the upgrade over to Reckon Payroll π
The specific fund product that an employee belongs to in the overall superfund provider is assigned in their employee profile after the super fund has been created (via your screen above). Check out the screenshot example below and more info on how to create and assign super funds in the how-to video below.
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Hi Rav,
Thanks for your quick response, obviously we're under some pretty tight time constraints now with the late rollout from Reckon.
The same fund products don't show under the employee - a whole list of incorrect fund products do which are irrelevant. They're a bunch of plans for specific companies? I.e the Myer superannuation plan, Westfarmers superannuation plan. I spoke to NGS super this morning and they were very surprises all of that information was showing?
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So to be clear, i am trying to set up NGS Super for example. When i assign this to an employee for their choice of fund - a standard product for NGS Super does not show in the list?
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And what are the difference between the following superannuation items?
- Statutory Super (SA)
- Super Guarantee
- Super Guarantee Act (SA)
Aren't they all the same thing?
Do we need to tick all booxes?
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I'm not sure why the appropriate fund products for that particular super fund aren't appearing in the list for selection yet but I'll get that looked into. In checking some of the other super funds in my own test book, they seem to be working ok/presenting the relevant fund products so I'm assuming its something isolated.
I'll let you know when I have more a bit more info on that though.
In regard to the super items, the Super Guarantee item is the default one that exists within Reckon Payroll itself. From what I understand the other two have likely been migrated over from your Payroll Premier software. If they're all setup for SG then you can use any one of them that you wish but just ensure that they have been configured to calculate SG on all the relevant pay items you need it to.
This can be done by going to Settings β‘ Pay Items β‘ Super Guarantee β‘οΈ Select the SG item β‘ Configure pay preferences β‘ Add a tick on all of the earning items you need to super guarantee to calculate on.
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Hi Rav,
Great, if you can please get back to me re: NGS Super that would be great - the rest so far seem to have matched up ok.
I will continue using Statutory Super (SA) as that is the one the employees are used to seeing on their pay slips and delete the other two.
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Hi Kali
I know its been a while coming on this particular one, and thank you for your patience. Just wanted to let you know that the issue with unrelated fund products appearing for NGS Super when assigning it to an employee profile is now resolved.
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Hi Rav,
Yes, thanks. This has been fixed for a couple of weeks now.