ATO STP error codes

Kim_10862296 Member Posts: 9 Novice Member Novice Member

Recently added new employees and one was over 18 but did not provide her TFN.

So entered her as TFN not supplied which gave a provided a 000000000 and then selected Tax Scale 2- Tax free threshold claimed.

I have requested the TFN from the employee but she has 28 days from employment to provide this before I have to change the tax scale to the Scale 4 - No TFN or not claimed.

But, when lodging the STP report there is an ATO error that states that the first two characters of the Tax Treatment Code must be one of the following: and gives 24 codes, none of which is RA which is showing on the STP submission against her details.

Given that we don't need to deduct tax at the maximum rate until one month after employment, what work around is there to avoid the error message?

Thx, Kim
