No account defaults appearing when setting up payroll

I am just setting up payroll for a client.
In the general tab in settings there are no account defaults in my drop down I have never come across this before I have even had to add annual and personal leave as leave types. The old software used to have all this for you ready to go. I tried creating a liability account for PAYG Withholding and linking it but every time I go out of that tab it doesn't save. Is there a problem with my payroll I have never had this happen before and it is taking me ages to set up.
Could you please get back to me as soon as possible, thanks.
Hi Johanna
Is this a brand new Reckon Payroll book you're setting up for the client?
When you attempt to select an account from the dropdown list what is happening? Are you running into an error message or is there simply nothing to select from in the list?
Also, just to clarify, is this preventing you from setting up employees and/or creating pay runs at the moment?
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Hi Rav
I have logged it with support and I am waiting for them to get back to me. I had no default accounts in the chart of accounts apart from GST ones, I have never had this issue before it is usually all there I even had to create default leave accounts in the settings as they weren't there either.
Hopefully it will get sorted out soon.
Kind Regards
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Hello @TonySmith ,
We've raised this matter to our development team - hopefully we'll be able to get this resolved for you soon.
Kind regards,
Alexander McKeown
Reckon Senior Technical Support
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Hi Alexander,
Any news on this yet?
Kind Regards
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Dear @TonySmith ,
Our development team are taking time to see why this issue occurred, and adding the accounts back in may take some time.
Per development suggestion, an alternative would be to create a brand new Reckon Payroll book - we will raise a refund on the initial charge for the second/new book should you wish to go down this avenue.
Apologies again for any delays in operation but please let me know how you wish to proceed.
Kind regards,
Alexander McKeown
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Hello @TonySmith ,
Giving you an update: I have raised this matter as high priority to our development team.
We should hopefully have some good news soon.
Thank you for all your patience.
Kind regards,
Alexander McKeown
Reckon Senior Technical Support
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Hi Alexander,
thank you for keeping me informed.
If you can let me know as soon as this is fixed as the client needs to process their payroll and I don't really want to create another file as I think this will cause more issues and I don't have the time to fix any potential issues. Hopefully it won't take too long.
Kind Regards
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Hi Alexander,
Can you please follow this up as my client has payroll to action so if you could let me know what's happening so that I can get the payroll done as soon as possible.
Johanna Dean
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Dear @TonySmith ,
My apologies for the long delays in this case. We're experiencing an unusually high load of escalations as of late, which is slowing things down a bit.
I've set this to urgent priority for you. It should hopefully be resolved within the week.
Kind regards,
Alexander McKeown
Reckon Senior Technical Support
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Hi Alexander
I have taken a look at his file today and it is still not right have you managed to take a look at it yet as its been around 3 weeks now. I noticed that his file also says that his free trial is coming to an end he wasn't on a free trial he just signed up has this got anything to do with the problem?
If you could please follow this up and get back to me as soon as possible, thanks
Kind Regards
Johanna Dean
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Dear @TonySmith ,
My deepest apologies in this regard.
We have had some headway with the escalation (in the extent that some basic accounts were generated), but not all default items are in existence as of yet.
I've been sending you email updates from our ticketing system around this matter, but I apologise for this slow service. Normally, things are much faster than this.
I've had a word with our development team and have reiterated that this problem should be resolved urgently.
I thank you for your ongoing patience in this matter, and hope to see a resolution very soon.
Kindest regards,
Alexander McKeown
Reckon Senior Technical Support
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Hi Alexander
I have spoken to our client and they would like to cancel the subscription can you tell me what we need to do for that, thanks.
Kind Regards
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Dear @TonySmith ,
I've contacted our Sales team to see if we can get you a credit on the account so you can cancel the book and resubscribe without payment for one month.
To cancel your subscription, you just need to go into the Portal. To the right-hand-side of your payroll book's name, you'll see three vertical dots.
Click on that, then select Settings. After that, simply select "Deactivate your subscription".
When you create a new Payroll record on the Portal, we will provide you with a coupon for one month free subscription.
Kind regards,
Alexander McKeown
Reckon Senior Technical Support