Can't Print - No error message


I am using a local version of Premier to do long overdue maintenance on a file normally stored on a server.

There are thousands upon thousands of unprinted items. I have gotten rid of a lot by using Clean Up Company Data, but for the years I wanted to have access to there are still 10's of thousands.

I am having trouble being able to print even a single invoice - try to print and nothing happens. No error messages, just freezes.

If I try to go in to Printer Setup nothing happens - it freezes.

Go in to a Report, hit Print... - nothing happens. It freezes.

I can see Reckon Accounts V5 PDF Converter in my Printers - if I go in to that, Properties and General and try to print a test page I get error code -30. Only ticked Port is RA2023Port (Local Port).

What am I doing wrong?


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