Understanding how to prepare and reconcile your EOFY with Reckon Payroll π
EOFY is upon us yet again and this year we're heading into our first EOFY under STP Phase 2. For some of our valued users, this may also be your first EOFY using Reckon Payroll.
ποΈ Reconciling your EOFY
To get an understanding of how to get prepared/reconcile your End of Financial Year finalisation in Reckon Payroll we've put together a detailed guide on some important things to know including identifying which balances appear in the EOFY finalisation and key info about the Pay Summary report.
πDisaggregation of gross in your EOFY finalisation
Since you've likely switched to STP Phase 2 partway through the financial year, its important to understand how gross payments appear before and after being disaggregated under STP Phase 2 and how this appears in your EOFY finalisation - Disaggregation of gross in your EOFY finalisation in Reckon Payroll π
If you have any questions about your EOFY finalisation in Reckon Payroll, please create a new post by clicking here and let us know!