⚠️ Some employees not appearing in EOFY finalisation - Reckon Payroll

Hi everyone
Just a heads up for our Reckon Payroll users. We've discovered an issue where the EOFY finalisation screen currently isn't presenting employees that only have initial YTD balances but haven't been included in a pay run created within Reckon Payroll.
The good news is, our team have already got a fix for this which is currently undergoing testing and all going well, it will be released toward the end of this week.
I'm really sorry for the inconvenience and confusion this is causing, particularly at this time of year.
I'll post further updates on the release in this thread as soon as I receive more info from the team, and if you have any questions please feel free to leave a reply below.
I have one employee which has not had any pays processed since transferring to Reckon Payroll from Payroll Premier. The year to date totals are correct but not included in EOFY Ato submission.😕
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Hi @Pia
I've moved your post over to this main one in regard to this issue so you receive updates as soon as they're published.
We're aware of an issue where employees who have initial YTD balances but not been included in any pay runs are currently not appearing in the EOFY finalisation screen.We've got a fix for this on the way which is going through testing at the moment and if all ok it should be released toward the end of this week.
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Our company made the switch from Payroll Premier to Reckon Payroll in September.
Meaning that multiple pays were run for this financial year in payroll premier. Now that I am trying to finalise EOFY I have realised that an employee that was terminated in Payroll premier is not showing on my end of financial year submission.
What should I do??
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Hi @1304877
I've moved your post over to this main one here. We've got a fix for this on the way, we were hoping to be able to release it today however its been slightly delayed and is planned for release on Monday.
Apologies for the confusion this has caused and stay tuned for more info to follow on the release.
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I am waiting for this update as I have an employee who was terminated in Payroll Premier prior to changing to Reckon Payroll and their YTD figures are not included.
So have to wait for your fix to submit.
Am I able to process my next pay run pay date 1/7/24 (for new financial year figures) before submitting EOFY 6/2024?
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Hi @FelicityW
Yes, you can create pay runs for the 2024/25 financial year prior to submitting your EOFY finalisation.
Also, you can create and send your EOFY finalisation for the employees that are currently appearing if you'd like. Once the fix comes through next week, you could then send another EOFY finalisation for only the terminated employees once they're visible.
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Hi Rav,
Is their any update??
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Hi folks
Unfortunately, the release has to be held back for further testing on a couple of other things that are included in it so it won't make it out today 😔
If you've been holding off sending through your finalisation an option to consider is; sending through an EOFY finalisation with the current employees who are appearing in the EOFY screen. Once the fix comes through, you could then send another EOFY finalisation for only the (currently) missing employees once they're visible.
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EOFY missing employee terminated before migration to Reckon Payroll. Processed EOFY finalisation of current employees who appeared in the EOFY screen with SUCCESS status. However ato Income Statement status ‘Not Tax Ready’. Is this due to the missing employee who has not yet been processed?
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ato Income Statements now Tax Ready
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Thanks for confirming @Blandine Lorraine Lam
I'd say the ATO's systems are taking a bit of a hammering at this time of year so things may be a little slower than usual but glad to hear its sorted 🙂
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I have a client that Upgraded from Payroll Premier to ReckonOne Payroll mid August 2023 at that time there were 4 terminated employees. It is only now when running the EOFY STP that the client realised they did not come accross. Client has setup one of the employees with all the correct details including YTD figures for 2023/24 and yet still they do not appear?
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Hi @Jacqui2340
I've moved your post over to this main one in regard to this particular situation.
As above, there is a fix coming for this hopefully this week which will allow employees who only have an initial YTD balance associated with them to appear in the EOFY finalisation.
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Thanks Rav
But I'm concerned re your comment "Once the fix comes through, you could then send another EOFY
finalisation for only the terminated employees once they're visible." As it appears to wipe out the prior lodgement rather than giving an option to up date or will this be an option with the fix??0 -
Sorry @Jacqui2340, I'm not sure I'm understanding your query. Can you clarify further on what you mean by the prior lodgement being wiped out?
Reckon Payroll allows you to create an EOFY finalisation with selected employees (example in my screenshot below) and you can send through as many EOFY finalisations as you wish. If you send through an EOFY finalisation for an employee who has already been finalised the latest one will override the previous one if that's what you mean?
My advice above however is more in regard to manually selecting the currently missing employees in the second EOFY finalisation once they're visible when the release comes through.
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Hi everyone
I'm happy to announce Reckon Payroll has received an update earlier today which includes a fix for this issue.
Any employees who only have an initial YTD balance and not included in any pay runs created in Reckon Payroll will now appear in the 2023/24 EOFY screen for you to finalise.
Check out more info on today's Reckon Payroll update here - Reckon Payroll update! ✨ EOFY for registered advisors, EOFY improvements and more!