Setup contractor Super in Reckon Payroll
Hi, I have a few contractors who need to be paid super. I can see instructions on how to do this in RAH but cannot find any info for Reckon One/Payroll. I tried to follow the RAH procedures but I got stuck as I can't allocate the Contractor Payment Clearing Account to the New Pay item Expense Account.
Morning @GICLC_1
Welcome to Reckon Community.
To be able to help you with your query, if you can please help me with the following information -
- Have you added your Contractor under the Employee section?
- The Super that you will be paying to your contractor - How will you be recording that? - Will that be a SS, SG, Employer Additional, etc.
Also, please check this out - Earning Items for IT Contractor — Reckon Community
Creating a custom super item in Reckon Payroll Web - Reckon Help and Support Centre.
I hope this helps. Please let us know for any concerns/issues. Thank you!
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Hi Tanvi,
Thank you. I'm attempting to enter the contractors into Employees section in Reckon One (Payroll). The super will be SG. It's the payroll item that I'm having the issue with. I'm not sure which expense account I should allocate it to?
I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it, so any help would be great. Thank you, Jacqui.