Spirit Super merged with CareSuper
Hi, now that Spirit Super has merged with CareSuper how should this be updated in the payroll. I tried adding CareSuper but it actually the USI & ABN of Spirit so it keeps coming up with Spirit Super, in the interim I have changed the display name for Spirit to CareSuper. Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Bernadette
I've just had a quick look and found this information & FAQ in regard to the merge of Spirit Super and Care Super - https://www.caresuper.com.au/members/about-us/merger-hub
I can see that the USI and ABN listed on that above page display as Spirit Super in Reckon Payroll at this stage. What I'd recommend doing is shooting through a request using the Superannuation fund not listed? link on the Superannuation Fund screen and include the details of Care Super.
I'll also speak to a colleague about this when she's back from leave mid-next week and see what we can do about updating and/or consolidating the results of Spirit Super and Care Super.
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Hi Rav, No worries, thanks I can wait for your colleague to return
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Hi Bernadette
Just looping back to this one. The team have advised for you to shoot through a new super fund request within Reckon Payroll with the updated details.
So in this case, the super fund name is now Care Super along with the ABN and USI, which based on the info on this page, looks to be ABN: 74 559 365 913 and USI: MTA0100AU but please double check to ensure that's correct.
To send through a new super fund request in Reckon Payroll, click on Create new Superannuation Fund ➡️ Click the Super fund not listed? link ➡️ Enter the details
Once the request comes through our team will update the database.
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Hi Rav, ok I have done that will wait to hear from the dev team
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