Payroll Schedule report and payslip emails

Therese R
Therese R Member Posts: 102 Reckon Star Reckon Star


For the past few months, our PDF version of the Payroll Schedule no longer fits the columns onto one page. Is there a reason for this? As a result, we create an excel or CSV file and do all the fitting to page so that we can print off. We don't use a PDF editor other than the basic Adobe. Knowing that this report used to fit the columns on one page, is there any reason why it doesn't now?


Todays payslips were emailed as usual but we have noticed that the name of the employee is no longer appearing in the email header. This is going to be an issue as I often have to refer to old payslips that have been sent and it is much easier to view the name of the employee. I think it has something to do with the name of our company now appearing at the top of the email covering note.

See screen shots below:

Previous covering email with payslip attached:

This weeks covering email:

So by showing the company's name at the top, it now adds that to the email summary instead of the the "Dear <Employee Name>".

Is there a particular reason as to why the company name now appears at the top of the email?


  • Tanvi_kataria
    Tanvi_kataria Reckon Staff Posts: 353 Reckon Staff

    Hi @Therese R

    If you can please check the Payslips settings, and the Default Email Content.

    Please let us know for any concerns. Thank you!



  • Therese R
    Therese R Member Posts: 102 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    Hi Tanvi

    Please see screen shot below:

    But this template is not like the covering email that we send - see above which shows the pay periods etc. I am wondering if the above relates to the old Reckon One Payroll before Reckon Payroll integrated with Reckon One?

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,728 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @Therese R

    You're correct, the above payslip settings screen relates to the older Reckon One payroll that was superseded by Reckon Payroll. We'll be making some enhancements to that settings area soon so stay tuned for that.

    Now in regard to the situation you've highlighted, looking at your screenshot it looks as though this change in the email header is a recent one, correct? In regard to the company name now appearing at the top, I haven't tested yet but I'm assuming you haven't added the company name anywhere new in your book settings right?

  • Therese R
    Therese R Member Posts: 102 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    HI Rav

    We have not made any changes to the book settings. Today's pay runs are the first time we have seen this.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,728 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Thanks for that @Therese R

    I wasn't aware of any changes made in that area but you're right it looks like we've added the company name to the payslip email body recently. I can also see it in my own test book as well. I'll speak with the team in relation to this.

    Also, just so I'm across your use-case, do you send a copy of payslips to your own email address each pay run? If so, is it just to have a record or do you send them to your employees using your own email service?

  • Therese R
    Therese R Member Posts: 102 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    Hi Rav

    Thanks for confirming. It would be great if they could remove it.

    The payslips are sent to my email address as a copy from the payrun. I don't resend them.

    With regards to the Payment Schedule PDF issue, any idea why this might be occurring?