Payroll Reporting for a Department Based Business

Samantha_9713244 Member Posts: 51 Reckoner Reckoner


I process pays for a business that has multiple departments. The owners are hoping to get a report with a breakdown of wages for each department on a weekly basis.

Bit of an overview

  • 80+ employees with varying pays each week (mostly casuals)
  • Some employees work across various departments each week
  • 13 departments

Could someone please advise me how I would be able to input the departments/information and create reports with this information

Thanks Sam


  • Eric Murphy
    Eric Murphy Member Posts: 232 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    Im fairly certain this isn't an option in the Reckon Payroll software yet.

    Happy to be corrected though

  • Therese R
    Therese R Member Posts: 102 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    Hi Samantha

    This is one of the features I miss from the old Payroll Premier. I have also requested that departments be added back to the filters available. I had been told that this was supposed to have occurred by the end of last year. We have 4 different sites across the country so having a "Department" filter allowed a quick search by state.

    To get around it, I ended up making Scheduled Pay runs for each state. That way I could do a separate report each week based on that particular state.

    Not sure it that helps you at all considering you have some staff working across several departments but you can add employees to a Schedule Pay run as well as the ones that are a constant.

    Under Payroll Settings:

    Select Pay Schedules

    Then Create a pay schedule

    Name the pay schedule your department and select the employees that would regularly be in that department.

    Hope this helps.



  • Samantha_9713244
    Samantha_9713244 Member Posts: 51 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi @Eric Murphy - Thanks for taking the time to respond, i feel you are correct

    Hi @Therese R - Thanks for taking the time to respond, I really find the Reckon Payroll is 3 steps back compared to the old school Payroll Premier. Your work around could work, but I would be processing, 13 pay runs per week - and given the issues that arise often with pay runs reverting back to draft mode, or the program bombing out randomly, I feel that it will be more work than I can (or want to) handle

    Might be time to seriously reconsider pay programs for the new FY

  • Therese R
    Therese R Member Posts: 102 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    HI Samantha

    Totally agree. Miss many of the reporting functions of payroll premier. Feel we were moved to a sub-standard payroll platform although I do enjoy the interface of this product. Can see that they are making improvements and it is certainly better than it was when we first migrated across in 2023 but there is still a lot of room for improvement especially with this issue with the payruns reverting back to draft etc.

    @Rav sorry to be be voicing frustrations here but after 18 months of getting used to this platform with promises of improvements only to have so many little glitches keep appearing - it is hard to have faith in the product. The time wasted in doing the weekly pays becomes tedious.

    Have considered moving to another payroll product but just the thought of changing and the time that will have to be put aside in doing so stops us. Really hope the upcoming upgrades bring in some really good report filtering and the ability to save customised reports - just like Payroll Premier used to have.