Amending a pay run or new pay run?

If after processing a pay run, doing STP, generating ABA file and making payments you are notified that an employee should have been paid for more hours than they were, is it best to revert the payrun back to draft, amend, resend STP (not update as some figures don't go across) and pay the employer the difference OR do a single payrun with just that employee for the hours they were underpaid?
Best Answer
Hey Tina,
An update event showing zero for total gross and PAYG is normal.
The reason for that is, update events only adjust employee data, they don't contain an employer component.
I'd highly recommend checking out the info in one of our previous #TipTuesday posts on what makes up an STP submission - #TipTuesday - What's in an STP submission? 💻
Hi Tina
The ability to edit a pay run and send an update event should do the trick for you on this. We've got a how-to video for this here - Edit an existing pay run and send an update event ⏪
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Thanks Rav. They were the steps that I took to make the adjustment however when I did the STP as an update the total gross and total PAYG came through as zero.
It wasn't until I resubmitted again and unticked the update box did the STP come through showing the new total gross and total PAYG for the amended payrun.
Since I have submitted the payrun to STP twice in full (and once as an update) will the ATO think that that is an extra payment to all employees or will it be able to recognize as a full file update?
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Thanks Rav
Watched the post and now understand how it works. Appreciate your time.