QTY Hours

I have mainly Part time and casual employees so each pay period all have varying hours but I know the total hours to be paid.
This made it easy to post pays and check that you have put the correct amounts in.
Payroll Premier (remember the good old days) did it automatically! see attached.
Can we please have this function restored, thank you.
Thanks for creating this post @Conp
I'm not overly familiar with the old Payroll Premier software so I might need a hand in getting my understanding right.
Did you use the above report prior to creating a pay run and then enter in whatever number of hours from that report into the pay run for the respective employee?
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Hi Rav,
The pay report as I sent to you normally would have 20 odd employees and I would run the report after inputting every ones hours then use the pay report hours total figure to ensure I have put all the pays in.
For example if I had a total of 952.5 hours of pays to enter and the report did not total that this would mean I have made an error or missed a pay etc.
It was a really useful function.
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Right ok, so you primarily use it as a way to cross-check after you've created a pay run from the sounds of it?
While it doesn't have it currently, if the Payroll Detail report had a row for total quantity at the bottom that totalled all hours across all employees in a selected pay run, would that do what you're looking for?
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yes it is a crosscheck, if it could total the quantity at the end that would be great!