Stuck in creating member super fund

snowee Member Posts: 19 Reckoner Reckoner
edited March 2 in Reckon Payroll

Having a new ABN I started filling out the Company Info etc for my 2nd Reckon Book. Everything was going okay. Comes to creating the Super Fund I got stuck after providing the information like the super fund type, name of the super fund, and the unique number assigned to each employer. When I click on the "Create" prompt at the bottom of the screen of my PC I receive the message "Failed to create superannuation fund" as I have the screenshot below.

I opened my App and it asked me to do the Employee Information including the Super Fund section but the message I am getting at the end is "Could not create employee" "Unable to determine default super fund for Super Guarantee". Screenshot attached.

I am really so frustrated as I cannot move forward. I would truly appreciate anyone's thinking to help me resolve this so I can proceed and start entering my pay runs.

Thank you.



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  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 13,593 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Morning @snowee

    The first error message is stating there is already a super fund created with the name you've entered for the one you're trying to create.

    So before moving forward, can you confirm whether you already have this particular fund created in your super fund list? Example of the super fund list below.

  • snowee
    snowee Member Posts: 19 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited March 2

    Morning and thank you Rav to hear again from you.

    Yes I actually saw this screen for Superannuation funds on my PC only yesterday when I was trying to find out where did I go wrong. It is the same Super fund for the same employee in my Book 1. I tried to make this Inactive in case it is the solution but it did nothing. So I decided I need some help.

    Thank you Rav.


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 13,593 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    @snowee I'm going to send you an access request to your book. It will come through separately as an automated email. Can you please grant access when you have a chance so I can take a closer look.

  • snowee
    snowee Member Posts: 19 Reckoner Reckoner

    Rav thank you.

    I just granted your access request to my book hoping I can move forward very soon to this payroll thing.
    Appreciate your help very much Rav.



  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 13,593 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @snowee

    I've had a look at your book and the reason this is occurring is because you don't have any pay items setup right now, specifically the Super Guarantee item in this case.

    I've created one for you just as a test but I'm not overly certain this will resolve the issue but can you please try and create your new employee again and let me know.


  • snowee
    snowee Member Posts: 19 Reckoner Reckoner

    Thanks again Rav.

    I would be able to try creating again a new employee but this evening when I finished work as I am now on my way to a workplace where we don't use our phone. But again thank you Rav and I will let you know what happens next.



  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 13,593 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    No problem, let me know when you can.


  • snowee
    snowee Member Posts: 19 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi again Rav,

    I started from the beginning using my PC to create again new employee. I was going ok feeding all the information asked until I got to the question Select type of Leave with a downward arrow beside it. I tried to click the arrow but it didn't work. (Sorry … not able to screenshot the page). I could not proceed to the next.

    I turned onto my phone and started the Create New Employee page again. I thought I was being successful this time especially when it accepted the details about Superannuation and also I was able to tick the box for Super guarantee. That was a short feeling of relief because when I click Done at the top right of the screen I got this message below.

    I switched back to my PC hoping to find the term Salary Sacrifice to disable it if I could but it was just another frustration. I tried again to enter the Employee details. When I got to the Leave entitlements I tried to put in Annual Leave as the screen was not showing options. But then I got the message below.

    So I click Save & Continue hoping it will take me to the next page but nope. There comes the message about Salary sacrifice which we are not on it.

    Rav, I apologise for all these. I really hope I get to the end of the set up. Thanking you kindly for your help.

    Kind regards,



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