RE: Revert payrun which already submitted to ATO

Seeking for help an issue of revert a payrun. One of my client’s employees had stopped working for the company since Oct 2024, but I had recorded pay run for that employee until March 2025. I reverted all the payrun and took that employee off each payrun. However, in the employee’s my gov account is shown the whole amount from Oct until Mar ( 40,000 instead of 20,000). i tried to do new payrun with negative number, but the YTD doesnt match with the figure in his last payslip which he was terminated. Im really stressed out and hope you can help me to find the way to fix it. Please and please ☹. Looking forward to hearing from you soon
Hi Jennie
I can see you've created this post in both the Reckon Accounts Desktop and Reckon Payroll categories, both of these are separate software. I've also noted that you have Reckon Accounts Hosted in your profile.
Can I just clarify which Reckon software you're using that the above relates to?
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@Rav: oh its must be duplicate. im using Reckon Payroll One
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No you're fine, I'll move it to the right place.
In regard to the specific situation, sending an update event will amend employee balances on the employee (MyGov) end.
With that said, now that you've removed the employee from the relevant pay runs, does their YTD balance now correctly in your Reckon software?
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HI @ Rav
In Reckon One Reporting ( Payroll Summary ) shows correct amount ( @$ 20k) matching with his last payslip. but in his my gov ato account shows difference which is more than that.
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You've got a couple of choices;
Send an update event for the employee
Send an EOFY finalisation for just that specific employee
Effectively both of them will do the same thing ie. amending the employee balance on their end. The only difference is, sending an EOFY finalisation for that specific employee will also finalise them for the financial year which will mark those earnings as Tax Ready.
You can send a one-off update event by going to STP ➡️ Create Update Event.
Select the employee and follow the prompts to send off an update event.
Once that is processed by the ATO, the balances on the employee end will amend to the current YTD balances.
Alternatively, if you prefer to finalise go to EOFY ➡️ Click Create EOFY Report for the respective financial year ➡️ Select that specifc employee only from the list ➡️ Follow the prompts to send the EOFY finalisation for that employee.
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hi Rav,
I select update an even and select the employee. but i doesnt show the function where i can put the figure on.
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That's correct, you don't input any balances, you're simply sending the update event which will carry the current Year to Date balances for that employee.
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Here is the screenshot of update an event. L
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And this js updated event
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hi Rav,
so does it mean after revert the payrun, i took off that employee from each payrun. the last step is Create the even so that balance in the payroll summary can carry forward to ATO?
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If you make amendments to an existing pay run, then yes you need to send an update event so that any changes to employee balances are changed on the ATO end. Failing to do so will only amend the balances within your Reckon software.
For more detailed steps on how to edit a pay run and send an update event, check out our how-to video here - Edit an existing pay run and send an update event ⏪
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Hi Rav,
i chosed option 1 which Create an Update event by click on STP→ Create update Event ( As photos). But i didnt see any changes from my issue.
i chosed option 2 which EOFY → Create 2024-2025. as the emloyee had stopped working, i chosed this option and yes the number change from 40K to 20K in ATO ends which match with payroll summary.
however, with option 1, can you explain why it doesnt ?
thank you heaps.
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You only need to do one of the options not both. If you've already gone ahead and completed the EOFY finalisation then there's nothing further required ie. trying to send just an update event will have no effect.
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i wonder when i did option 1 - STP create update event. i wonder how the figures in payroll summary (20K) can match with ATO end when we don't create a negative pay run then resubmit ato ( eg. -20K to make its balance is $20K).
or for pay run which we edited and cannot see the new figure (For example: employee A from $10 to $0, employe B & C are still same). if we resubmit, will it affect to other employees in the same payrun which causes double pay in ATO end?
Thank you
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STP is reported on a YTD basis only for employee balances, it doesn't send individual pays only the YTD amount.
It might be worth checking out the info on what a STP submission is made up of in our post here - #TipTuesday - What's in an STP submission? 💻
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does it mean when i did option 1 that the balance of the employee will be sent to ATO by simply tick STP→ create update even→ select employee →submit?