GST refund from ATO- how to enter
Member Posts: 2 Novice Member
in Reckon One
HI, I need to enter a refund from the ATO for GST paid to finish a bank reconciliation but the steps I was told to follow on How to tutorials don't seem to apply. Is it easiest to just enter a receive money under Money in?
Hi @JasAshcroft
Was the tutorial you followed the one linked below?
The video below outlines how to process a GST refund on your BAS in Reckon One.
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That is not the steps I saw earlier and is much more helpful!! I can see how to do it now so that is awesome. The only problem I have now is that the refund amount in my program doesn't match the amount I was refunded by the ATO. Perhaps I entered more invoices after our accountant sent the BAS in.
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