
Sorum fatura listesi alırken faturanın içeriğini detaylı görebileceğim bir liste yada rapor varmı ?.
My question is, is there a list or report where I can see the content of the invoice in detail while getting the invoice list?
Hi.Sir..Thank you very much for your interest.
Yes, I checked. But only the invoice number and amount appear in your report,
if I want it.the content of the invoice
İtem / İtem Price / Account / Description / Qty / Discount / Tax Cod / Tax / Amount
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My 2nd question is why there is no description option in the make payment section.
Thank you
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The 'Invoice List' report in Reckon One will generate a report of a invoices issued to your customers and it then allows you to drill down into a specific invoice to view its individual details. Check out my screen recording just as an example below.
The 'Make Payment' window contains Reference, Details and Allocation Notes fields to give you options on adding additional information relating to the payment.