✅ RESOLVED - Reckon One report error - An error occurred while processing your request

Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 13,569 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
edited March 2 in Reckon One

An error occurred while processing your request or the page you last visited does not exist any more.

Hi everyone

We're currently investigating an issue when drilling down in reports in Reckon One. Reports indicate that after generating a report, if you attempt to click on a balance to view additional detail the above error message appears.

Apologies for the inconvenience this causing at the moment, we've got our teams currently investigating.


In the interim there is a workaround available that will allow your report to generate correctly outlined below.

When you are on the error screen, take a look at the URL in your browser. You'll notice Core/Reports/View listed in the URL. Remove the word View and instead type in ReportView then press enter. Do not not change anything else in the URL.

Screen recording below with an example (click on it for a larger view).

After doing so your report should generate correctly.

Thanks for your patience while we get this addressed. Further updates on this will be posted below.



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  • Allan_10136328
    Allan_10136328 Member Posts: 6 Reckoner Reckoner

    What does this mean? I get it when trying to access chart of accounts, view transactions.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 13,569 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited January 17

    Hi @Allan_10136328

    Thanks for flagging this. Is this error appearing on any report you attempt to generate in Reckon One or just the ones you've highlighted above?

  • marcchan
    marcchan Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited January 17

    Having the same error message doing this:

    Reporting → Report → Generate Balance Sheet, then clicking on any of the balance amounts in the Balance Column.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 13,569 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @Allan_10136328 @marcchan

    Just a heads up that I've moved your posts over to this main announcement in relation to this error. We've got the team looking into this as we speak.

    I know its not ideal but we've got a workaround outlined above that you can utilise to get your reports generated correctly while our teams investigate this.

    Apologies for the hassle this causing at the moment.

    If you have any questions please let me know.

  • Jennifer Rajendran
    Jennifer Rajendran Member Posts: 6 Reckoner Reckoner

    I can't view transactions in Reckon One. I normally go to Chart of Account - select an account - click on "View Transactions". But i've been getting this error below:


    An error occurred while processing your request or the page you last visited does not exist any more. Please return to the dashboard.

    Can someone please help? Why am I getting this error message?

  • Robyn Kelly (Partner)
    Robyn Kelly (Partner) Accredited Partner Posts: 407 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner

    Hi Rav

    Trying to run reports and your workaround doesn't seem to be working today 18/01/25. Could you please let know ETA of a permanent fix for this error?

    Thank you

    Robyn Kelly

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 13,569 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @Robyn Kelly (Partner)

    I just tried out the workaround in a couple of my test books and it seemed to work ok. When you add in Report into the URL, just ensure that you're on the error screen and add it to View so that it reads /Core/Reports/ReportView/

    In regard to a permanent fix, the team look to have formulated a fix which will be going through testing on Monday and if all ok, will be released shortly after.

    Let me know how you get on.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 13,569 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi Jennifer,

    I've moved your post over to this main announcement which is related to the situation you've outlined.

    Please check out the info in the opening post along with the current workaround.

  • Robyn Kelly (Partner)
    Robyn Kelly (Partner) Accredited Partner Posts: 407 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner

    Thank you @Rav

    I deleted the first Reports but that needs to stay and then it should read /Reports/ReportView

    I am able to create the reports now, thank you.

    Robyn Kelly

  • Jennifer Rajendran
    Jennifer Rajendran Member Posts: 6 Reckoner Reckoner

    Thank you @Rav. Hope this gets fixed by Monday.

  • Anne Sterling
    Anne Sterling Member Posts: 25 Reckoner Reckoner

    Yep I'm having the same problem. The ability to drill from the profit and loss and balance sheet gives an error message. Just using Account Enquiry

  • Jennifer Rajendran
    Jennifer Rajendran Member Posts: 6 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi @Rav, when will this issue be fixed? I'm still getting the error message.

  • ben
    ben Member Posts: 11 Reckoner Reckoner

    @Rav ETA please.
    10 days and a core function failure is still not fixed.
    Workaround understandable for a short time but should be resolved by now.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 13,569 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi folks

    Apologies for the longer delay this one is taking to get straightened out. We certainly haven't forgotten about it but unfortunately, there have been a few areas with the release that needed a little extra attention.

    The team are working toward release this week and as soon as I have confirmation, I'll post an update here.

    In the interim, the workaround outlined in the opening post, albeit a tad manual, will allow you to generate your reports correctly.

    Sincere apologies again for the inconvenience this is causing at the moment everyone.

  • Carole1959
    Carole1959 Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member

    Hi Rav, I am having the same problem and the work around is working OK. What do you mean "with the release"? Is there an upgrade being released or does it mean the fix of the problem?

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 13,569 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @Carole1959

    Sorry, I just realised it sounds a little jargon-y doesn't it? 😅

    Just to clear that up, every couple of weeks or so we deploy 'releases' to Reckon One which can include various things such as new features, enhancements to existing features and of course, bug fixes.

    The fix for this particular issue with reports is included in a release which we'll roll out to Reckon One.

    We're aiming to push this out tomorrow provided there aren't any last minute hiccups. I can see that you've added Reckon One to your Community profile (which is great!) so you'll automatically receive an email notification as soon as the new release is live but I'll also post an update here as well 🙂

    Let me know if you have any questions.

  • ben
    ben Member Posts: 11 Reckoner Reckoner

    I would say it's the opposite of jargon-y, it's actually pretty ambiguous.

    I understood you had a fix (what I would call a patch) 10 days ago. The solution seems to be a simple correction of incorrectly generated links?

    Rather than rolling out a patch, you are releasing it as part of an update (presumably another payroll-centric one) and we have to wait until that is ready to go whilst spending time on workarounds in the meantime.

    Viewing account transactions is core functionality and, as it is apparently affecting all users, is worthy of its own release.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 13,569 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager


    Hi everyone

    I just wanted to give you an update to let you know a fix for this issue has been applied via the latest Reckon One update and your reports should now be back to normal.

    I know this has been a frustrating issue to contend with and I thank you all for your patience while we worked through this.

    If you continue to experience the error while drilling down on a report, please let me know.


  • dnorgard
    dnorgard Member Posts: 4 Novice Member Novice Member

    It doesn't appear that the new release has fixed the problem.

    For example, when I attempt to drill down into a P&L account, the report generated is the Account Enquiry which lists transactions for all accounts, not just the one I'm drilling into.

  • ben
    ben Member Posts: 11 Reckoner Reckoner

    I concur.
    And the same problem when trying to view transactions via the Chart of Accounts.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 13,569 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Thanks for that @ben and @dnorgard, I'll speak with the team about this on Monday so they can take another look at this.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 13,569 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi all,

    Just a bit further to this, our devs are looking into the situation where drilling down is displaying all accounts rather than just the selected one.

    Aiming to have this released to Reckon One later this week all going well.

  • Eric Murphy
    Eric Murphy Member Posts: 200 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    Thanks @Rav glad the reports are working at least, appreciate your efforts in solving.

  • Robyn Kelly (Partner)
    Robyn Kelly (Partner) Accredited Partner Posts: 407 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner

    Hi Rav

    Just letting you know if you go to the Chart of Accounts and click on an account and then "View Transactions"

    the same thing is happening - "all" of the accounts appear not just the one you are wanting to see. You can click on "Show more options" and just choose the selected account but in the past it would have normally JUST shown the one account you were looking for.

    Extra steps involved now which is time consuming.

    Thank you

    Robyn Kelly

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 13,569 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager


    Hi again everyone

    Just wanted to let you know the issue with all accounts appearing when drilling down on a report or the Chart of Accounts has been resolved.

    When drilling down only the relevant account will be displayed on-screen.

    Thanks for your reports on this and apologies for the hassle this has caused. If you continue to encounter any issues when drilling down or viewing transactions, please let me know.


  • Robyn Kelly (Partner)
    Robyn Kelly (Partner) Accredited Partner Posts: 407 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner

    Thanks Rav - quick test just now appears this is now fixed.

    Thank you

    Robyn Kelly

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 13,569 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Excellent! Thanks for confirming @Robyn Kelly (Partner)!

This discussion has been closed.