MIGRATION: How to export Lists data from Reckon Accounts Hosted for a Standard Conversion

Datarec Reckon Staff Posts: 1,303 Reckon Staff
edited October 2024 in Accounts Hosted


1)      Launch the Hosted application and open the specific company data file you want to work with


2)      Click on the File menu, then select Utilities and then select Export, finally select Lists to IIF Files...



3)      You need to export each List separately to your Q: drive  as a plain-text tab-delimited IIF (Intuit Interchange Format) file

 ·         the Chart of Accounts List

·         the Customers List

·         the Suppliers List

·         the Items List

·         the Employee List


Select each individual List type that you would like to migrate and then click the OK button


 Repeat for the remaining List types.

 4)      Once you have exported the lists to the Hosted Q: drive, you need to download them to your local computer

You can watch the video for Uploading and Downloading Company Files to the new Reckon Accounts Hosted for more details.


5)      Once you downloaded them to your local computer hard disk you can send them to us by clicking the link below

 Send us the IIF export file(s) for analysis

Send us the export files.

MIGRATION: How to securely send a data file to the Reckon Migration Team

In the Short Note to Recipient field add the following:

Standard Conversion Request (Standard Hosted IIF)

Company Name: _______________________

Contact Name: _________________________


This will let us know that the file being submitted is assigned to your case and allow the conversion team to perform the analysis.

If you do not provide this information, it will result in delays processing your case.
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