Issue with Emailing Statements - creating winmail attachment

Ann_7781953 Member Posts: 7 Novice Member Novice Member
edited February 2020 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
I know there has been multiple posts in relation to the issue and I seem to have tried all the solutions but nothing is working.  I send about 140-150 statements every month.  We had to move from a POP email to Exchange, which was the only solution we were provided to cope with sending over 100 emails in an hour period.

Now I am on Exchange I have for months been having the issue that for some customers, they are still receiving winmail attachments.  I have set the emails to say to send in Rich Text and this didn't work.  I am now converting every one to HTML and then sending but this doesn't seem to have worked for some customers, they still receive in winmail.

I am using Microsoft Exchange and Reckon Accounts Premier Edition 2015.

Surely the IT people for both can get their act together in our modern IT era!


  • Robert Smeallie_9806608
    Robert Smeallie_9806608 Member Posts: 10 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited October 2018
    Hi Rozzie

    (I hope this helps you as I have spent the last hour trying to put this reply together only to have it disappear on me.)

    I have created notes for myself on how to use Reckon Accounts based on my Cert IV Bookkeeping Course notes which were based on MYOB. In them I had the details for emailing forms from Reckon Accounts just as you can export forms to Word and Excel. I tried to add screenshots to this message but they didn't work.

    Send Forms in Reckon Accounts

    In the My Preferences tab, there is a checkbox for “Automatically tick the “To be emailed” checkbox if the customer’s Preferred Send Method is Email”. If not checked then you will have to do it yourself when preparing printed forms to be sent to customers. (checked)

    Below that there is the Customer Email Settings area where you choose which email service provider you will use to send emails from a dropdown list.

    Below that are the text fields in which you enter the customers’ “Email ID:”, the “Server Name” and the “Port Number”. This is obviously dated, as Email nowadays is automated and knows this information for an email user’s account.

    On the Company Preferences tab there are some text fields which constitute the sending section of an email and don’t really need to be explained in detail. There is a drop-down list at the top of the form showing what kind of document/report is being emailed. When you enter a name in the “To:” field, the email address for this customer will be searched for in your address book and the details filled in. There is a space in which you can either add to or edit the text which will be inserted in the body of the email. There is even a spell checker feature if you want your text to be checked for spelling errors (that opens a can of worms… USA or Australian spelling)

    Robert Smeallie

  • Ann_7781953
    Ann_7781953 Member Posts: 7 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited October 2018
    Thank you Robert, I'll check all this and see how we go.
  • Ann_7781953
    Ann_7781953 Member Posts: 7 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited October 2018
    Robert, when I go into "Send Forms" on the preferences, it is ticked to automatically email. I cannot locate the Customer Email Settings area you refer to.

    I have checked in the Preferences and Customers.  I cannot locate any area where I put server name or port number.  I just cannot locate anywhere where this information is entered.  Can you please clarify?
  • Luke
    Luke Moderator, Reckon Staff Posts: 228 Moderator Moderator
    edited October 2018
    Hi Rozzie,

    Even though this is not a Reckon issue, we have a knowledge base article on this problem with some possible solutions. You can find it here:

    Hope this helps.

  • Robert Smeallie_9806608
    Robert Smeallie_9806608 Member Posts: 10 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited October 2018
    Hi Rozzie,

    When I went into Reckon Accounts and created a new customer on the Additional tab there is a Preferred Send Form Method drop-down list and one of them is Email. If you entered the customer's email address when you set them up the form will be emailed to them. As this is an individual customer setting then it means that you can individualise each customer with how they will receive their form.


    Robert Smeallie