DATA RECOVERY: Error "You cannot open a Reckon Accounts Enterprise file using a non-enterprise produ

Reckon Staff Posts: 1,273

1. If you are using Reckon Accounts Enterprise software on your local desktop and encounter the error message below.
"You cannot open a Reckon Accounts Enterprise file using a non-enterprise product"
- The first thing to check is whether the software you have installed and are currently running is the Reckon Accounts Enterprise software and not another product such as Reckon Accounts Plus, Reckon Accounts Pro or Reckon Accounts Premier software.
How to view the Product Information screen on Reckon Accounts Desktop
If you have accidentally launched a non-Enterprise software, then close that program and launch the Reckon Accounts Enterprise software and try opening the company data file again.
However if you have confirmed that the product you are running is Enterprise, then this means that your data file is damaged with the file damage affecting the file header area which would tell the program what specific product and version the data file format is.
- We recommend you restore a good backup file if available
- Alternatively, you can request a damaged data file data recovery service
DATA RECOVERY: How to submit a Reckon Accounts desktop data file for analysis and repair
2. If you are using the Reckon Accounts Hosted platform and encounter the error message below. when opening a data file:
"You cannot open a Reckon Accounts Enterprise file using a non-enterprise product"
- This means that your data file is damaged.
- We recommend you restore a good backup file if available
- Alternatively, you can request a damaged data file data recovery service
DATA RECOVERY: How to submit a Reckon Accounts Hosted data file for analysis
"You cannot open a Reckon Accounts Enterprise file using a non-enterprise product"
- The first thing to check is whether the software you have installed and are currently running is the Reckon Accounts Enterprise software and not another product such as Reckon Accounts Plus, Reckon Accounts Pro or Reckon Accounts Premier software.
How to view the Product Information screen on Reckon Accounts Desktop
If you have accidentally launched a non-Enterprise software, then close that program and launch the Reckon Accounts Enterprise software and try opening the company data file again.
However if you have confirmed that the product you are running is Enterprise, then this means that your data file is damaged with the file damage affecting the file header area which would tell the program what specific product and version the data file format is.
- We recommend you restore a good backup file if available
- Alternatively, you can request a damaged data file data recovery service
DATA RECOVERY: How to submit a Reckon Accounts desktop data file for analysis and repair
2. If you are using the Reckon Accounts Hosted platform and encounter the error message below. when opening a data file:
"You cannot open a Reckon Accounts Enterprise file using a non-enterprise product"
- This means that your data file is damaged.
- We recommend you restore a good backup file if available
- Alternatively, you can request a damaged data file data recovery service
DATA RECOVERY: How to submit a Reckon Accounts Hosted data file for analysis
Reckon Data Recovery Team
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