How to sort or re-sort Lists in Reckon Accounts

Datarec Reckon Staff Posts: 1,286 Reckon Staff
edited April 2021 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
Users may choose to manually sort the order in which list entries are displayed such as in ascending/descending order, in a Flat View or Hierarchical View

For most List types (Accounts, Items, Customers, Suppliers, Employees, Other Names, etc) there exists the ability to re-sort the list back into its original alphabetical order.

1) Re-sort the Account List
·         Click the Account button and select Re-sort List

2) Re-sort the Item List ·         Click the Item button and select Re-sort List
3) Re-sort the Names List
The Customers, Suppliers, Employees and Other Names lists can be sorted together (Names List) by following the steps below.
  Open the Write Cheques window by clicking the Banking menu and selecting Write Cheques (or press Ctrl and W keys simultaneously)  Click in the Pay to the Order of field on the cheque form so that the cursor is flashing  Press press Ctrl and L keys simultaneously to open the Name List    Click on the Name button in the bottom left corner and select Re-Sort List. When asked if you really want to return the list to its original order, click OK        Repeat this process with the remainder of the list menu, including Payroll Items,  Class, Tax Items & Codes and Customer and Supplier Profile List sub-menu.    Empty lists will not have the Re-sort option. Non-empty lists that don’t have the re-sort option can be re-sorted by selecting Re-sort from the View menu.
