Customer list IIF upload file - active/ inactive status
Hello Team,
Just wondering if anyone has any idea which column or what header (if any) that shows active/ inactive customers? This is the IIF file exported from Utilities in Reckon Accounts Enterprise 2020.
Could one use IIF file to convert active status of customer accounts without doing it manually? Is it even possible?
Thank you,
The column named HIDDEN indicates the visibility status of a list record.
Once you have the Customer List IIF exported, open it in Excel.
Locate the column in the row that begins with "!CUST" that is called "HIDDEN"
For any record (customer name) that you want to be inactive, set the value to "Y"
Reckon Data Recovery Team
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Hello Team,
Great, thank you.
May I please confirm this one example that is quite peculiar (as it contradicts this theory)?
This customer below is shown as Y on the file in the HIDDEN column, meaning Inactive per your response
However in Reckon itself, it is very much active
What does this mean?
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Filter your Customer List to show “All Customers” as you may have another (old) record for the same customer that you’re no longer using.
Shaz Hughes Dip(Fin) ACQ NSW, MICB
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Ballajura, WA
(NB: Please give my post a Like or mark as Accepted Answer if I have been able to resolve your query as this helps others when seeking solutions!)
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Hello Shaz,
Thank you, yes this was filtered with 'all customers'. This was the only customer that shows to be inactive in the file but still active in Reckon.
Anyway @Data Recovery Team, I tested a few random customers to make inactive in the upload IIF file test in the Reckon test backup file and amending from N to Y in the HIDDEN column definitely worked. Thank you again for your help.
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Hi Dianita,
Glad we could be of assistance.
Reckon Data Recovery Team
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Hello Team,
Just revisiting this one, we finally did get a sign off to roll this out to the live data file. I tried to do a final test upload of all customer that are to be made inactive. I was however unable to do this, getting kicked out multiple times. I then decided to split the file into 3 (thinking initially that size may be a factor). I was able to upload split # 1 and # 3 files.
Split 2 file upload was kicking me out of the session with this message below that Reckon has to shut down:
Any idea where to begin assessing the file for potential corruption for this split #2? i.e. which of the 96 columns should I attempt to check for issues?
Just to reiterate, I was merely using the IIF listing generated from this morning and amended only the 'HIDDEN' column from N to Y for the selected 300+ customers. Split into 3 of 100's customer per IIF file. Split 1 &3 worked, but split 2 seemed to be corrupted
Regards and thanks,
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One or more records in that "Split 2" has some type of problem that is resulting in the crash.
It may be something like a character in an address or other field, however it is difficult to know until you have identified the row that is problematic.
For the "Split 2" that results in a crash, split that up also into 2 to 4 sections.
Have each section contain the Header row that is present in the "Split 1".
Example: the 1st row that has "!CUST......."
Essentially you'd need to keep dividing the IIF file into smaller and smaller sections until your identify the specific Customer Record that is causing the crash.
Omar - Reckon Data Recovery Team
Data Services Tip - Try this first before requesting a data service
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Hello Team,
Thank you for your suggestion. This, while quite tedious, worked really well. I isolated split # 2 further into 3 (abc), and split # 2.b came out as corrupt again, so I further split that into 3 of 12 customers and eventually found out one of the splits was the problem.
It became (thankfully) quite obvious once reviewed that there were a couple non AU customers in the country section. We had 1 NZ based customer, and another in Vietnam. Once I isolated these two, the other file contains 10 AU customers was uploaded successfully and the file that contains isolated 2 non AU customers did kick me out of system again.
Just in case if anyone is having similar issue, perhaps my take on this exercise is look at the country code/ column.
Thanks again Team and regards,
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Hi Dianita,
Glad to hear that you had been able to successfully isolate and identify the issue.
Thank you for sharing your findings with the Reckon community.
Omar - Reckon Data Recovery Team
Data Services Tip - Try this first before requesting a data service