Company File & Backups
New to this forum but a long-time user of Reckon. We are an Accounts Enterprise customer and have been using Reckon for over 15 years.
Recently, I've had a lot of issues with our company file and believe it is due to the size of the file. Currently sitting at 1,231,540KB (1.23G) which I believe is causing the backup process to hang or fail.
Is there any way to reduce the company file size to a more manageable, backupable size?
Thanks in anticipation,
Hi Dan, thanks for getting in touch.
That file size is certainly on the higher end of the spectrum so it may be contributing to performance issues if you're experiencing any.
We have a really good help guide that details a number of steps you can perform that will ensure you get the best out of your file which I'll link below.
I'd recommend going through them all and in particular step 7 on creating a Portable Company File.
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Also review the following article.
Reckon Data Recovery Team
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