Payroll App update v2.11.15 - Termination date field & 2020/21 EOFY
Reckon Payroll App update v2.11.15
The Reckon Payroll App has received an update to version v2.11.15
Termination Date field
This update brings in a termination date field to the employee profile screen. This will allow you set an end date to an employee's employment prior to archiving them.
Some users were experiencing the situation where employees who were terminated in the STP app prior to migration were appearing in the 2020/21 EOFY finalisation even though they had no active balance for that financial year. The termination date field will allow you to set the original termination date for these employees which will then remove them from the EOFY finalisation.
EOFY 2020/21 not appearing
This update will also solve the issue of the 2020/21 option not appearing in the EOFY finalisation. This was specific to Payroll App users who had employees with a Year to Date balance entered for 2020/21 but no actual pay runs were sent for that year.
Pay Summary expanded
The Pay Summary screen for employees has been expanded to show more financial years.
Download the latest update from your app store -