nmac Member Posts: 29 Novice Member Novice Member
edited January 2024 in Reckon Payroll

Help, i needed to adjust my figures for EOFY and had a go at editing the amounts but i dont understand how to do it! I thought i could just put the correct amounts in each field and save it but it has now stuffed up all the totals! So then i deleted the gross wage and tried again but the totals are even worse now! Can anyone help me how to to do this


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,664 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @nmac

    How specifically did you try to amend the 2020/21 balances in the Payroll App? Via the Initial Year to Date tab in the employee profile? How were you going about it? ie. were you entering what balances you wanted the TOTAL to be in the Initial Year to Date tab?

    Something to keep in mind is, the balances you see in the Pay Summary screen are a combination of the 'Initial YTD' tab + any pay run balances for the employee. This is in contrast to the Initial YTD screen which will only show any starting balance for an employee prior to any pay runs being created.

    There is a payroll summary report which shows only amounts from pay runs created. If you use the balances from there + the initial YTD balances then this is what will appear in the Pay Summary section in the employee profile.

  • swakhlu01 .
    swakhlu01 . Member Posts: 482 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    @nmac If I understand correctly you have been creating Payruns for 2020/21 period from the Reckon STP app and now find the EOFY summaries are not matching with the actual payments. Is that correct?

    First you may need to establish what figures are reported in to the Employee ATO Income Statement in the MyGov ATO portal. If those amounts are correct then your challenge is to create an EOFY report through STP that matches those figures. Not sure if you can do much about it but seek help from Reckon support to find reasons for the mismatch.

    I am curious which function you used in STP app to adjust the EOFY summary.

    But if the ATO Income statement itself is not showing the correct amounts then you have to make Payrun adjustments in STP. For this make sure all Payruns that are for 2020/21 are showing Done. Follow the instructions on Reckon help site for Payrun Adjust.



  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,664 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    @nmac saw your PM, just checking if you saw my response above?

  • nmac
    nmac Member Posts: 29 Novice Member Novice Member

    Hi Rav,

    yes i did thank you i will have a go at updating totals with negative or positive amounts! Stay tuned haha

  • nmac
    nmac Member Posts: 29 Novice Member Novice Member

    I am still trying to understand it all! I feel a bit silly but I am just not getting it! Previously on 12/7 I tried to edit amounts by entering the balances I wanted but when I saved it they were different amounts! I am not getting the whole YTD and pay run balances part. Can you explain in layman terms? Sorry for being a pain, hopefully the lightbulb will go on soon

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,664 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited July 2021

    @nmac No worries we'll get there 🙂

    Ok I think it might be best if I break things down a bit.

    The first thing to keep in mind is, the balances you see in the Pay Summary section are a combination of the balances in the 'Initial YTD' tab in the employee profile + any pay runs created in the Payroll App for the employee.

    The Initial YTD tab will only show any starting balance for an employee prior to any pay runs being created in the Payroll App.

    As a side note, there is a payroll summary report that you can create in the app which shows only amounts from pay runs created if you want to view that. It excludes any balances that are in the 'Initial YTD' tab.

    Ok now I'm going to give you an example below and you'll just need to apply it to your situation -

    An employee has 3 pay runs created in the Payroll App which total

    • Total Gross = $20,000.00
    • Total Tax = $5,000.00
    • Total Super = $1,000.00

    The initial Year to Date balance entered for the employee is

    • Initial YTD Earnings - $30,000.00
    • Initial YTD Tax - $10,000.00
    • Initial YTD Super $5,000.00

    So when we combine these with the initial YTD amounts we get the following. This is the balance that will appear in the Pay Summary section.

    • Earnings: $30000.00 + $20000.00 = $50,000.00
    • Tax: $10000.00 + $5000.00 = $15,000.00
    • Super: $5000.00 + $1000.00 = $6,000.00

    Now if the desired result is for this employee's earnings balance to be $30,000.00 only then you would need to enter the difference in the 'INITIAL YTD' screen ie. $30,000.00 - $20,000.00 = $10,000.00

    If the desired result is for this employee's tax balance to be $10000.00 only then you would need to enter the difference in the 'INITIAL YTD' screen ie. $10000.00 - $5000.00 = $5000.00 and so on.

    Hopefully that makes sense and provides some direction on what you need to do. 

  • nmac
    nmac Member Posts: 29 Novice Member Novice Member

    Thank you so much Rav that explains it better 😀

  • nmac
    nmac Member Posts: 29 Novice Member Novice Member

    also what do you actually mean by the year to date screen? I am using the basic app, not the premium. Also how do i enter a negative amount using an apple iphone?

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,664 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    also what do you actually mean by the year to date screen?

    The 'Initial YTD' tab is in the employee's profile. To view it go into an employee and click 'Edit' and then scroll the tabs over and you'll see it. (screenshot example below).

    Also how do i enter a negative amount using an apple iphone?

    You can't enter a negative balance but you shouldn't need to either I don't think. Give me an example of what you're trying to do. Also, I've created a separate article about amending employee balances in the Payroll App HERE which you might want to check out (much of it is the same as what I outlined above though).

  • nmac
    nmac Member Posts: 29 Novice Member Novice Member

    not sure if you got this, here is an example of what i am trying to do -

    i click on employee, go to payment summary, the figures are -

    $30,273.00 gross pay $2506.00 tax $3190.35 super, if i go to EOFY report they are the same

    but when i go to employee, payment summary and press edit the figures are the ones i want for my payment summary and EOFY report ? Once again sorry for being a pain

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,664 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited July 2021

    Remember the balances you are seeing in the 2020/21 Pay Summary section is the combination of the pay runs you have created IN the Payroll App AND what is in the 'Initial YTD' tab.

    If you have migrated over from the STP app recently, then the totals from ALL the submissions you sent from the STP app up to the point you migrated is what is shown in the 'Initial YTD' tab for an employee. So that balance + any pay runs that you've created in the Payroll App itself AFTER migrating is what you're seeing in the Pay Summary section and the EOFY report.

    So, with that said, you've given me the 2020/21 balances that you're seeing in the Pay Summary section for this employee. What are the 2020/21 gross pay, super, and tax balances for this employee that are shown in the 'Initial YTD' tab?

    AND - what do you WANT the 2020/21 total gross pay, super, tax figures for this employee to be?

  • nmac
    nmac Member Posts: 29 Novice Member Novice Member

    sorry i meant to put the correct figures so that can tell me how i sort it out

    correct figures i want are

    $28.200.00 gross pay $2452.00 tax and $2993.40 for super thanks Rav

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,664 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited July 2021

    What are the 2020/21 gross pay, super, and tax balances for this employee that are shown in the 'Initial YTD' tab in their profile.

    To view it. you need to go into this employee's profile, click Edit and then scroll over the tabs. You'll see one called 'Initial YTD' as shown in my screenshot in the earlier reply above.

  • nmac
    nmac Member Posts: 29 Novice Member Novice Member

    the figures that are in the YTD are the figures i want them to be in my EOFY

    $28,200 gross pay

    $2452 tax

    $2993.40 super

  • nmac
    nmac Member Posts: 29 Novice Member Novice Member

    they need to be $2073 less for gross wage

    $54 less tax

    $196.95 less for super

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,664 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Ok, so if I'm understanding the situation correctly then this what you need to do.

    Gross Pay: $30,273.00 - $28,200.00 = $2073.00 - This is what you enter under 2020/21 gross pay in the 'Initial YTD' tab for this employee.

    Tax: $2,506.00 - $2,452.00 = $54.00 - This is what you enter under 2020/21 tax in the 'Initial YTD' tab for this employee.

    Super: $3190.35 - $2993.40 = $196.95 - This is what you enter under 2020/21 super in 'Initial YTD' tab for this employee.

    Once you've done that, your 2020/21 Pay Summary balances for this employee and 2020/21 EOFY report should match what you WANT the balances to be and if so, you'll be ready to send it.

    Let me know how you get on.

  • nmac
    nmac Member Posts: 29 Novice Member Novice Member

    giving that a go now, i will let you know how it goes! many thanks

  • nmac
    nmac Member Posts: 29 Novice Member Novice Member

    so that didnt work aaargh! maybe i didnt explain it properly i will try again

    In the initial year to date tab (which i get now) the figures there are they ones i want them to be

    $28.200 gross

    $2452 tax

    $2993.40 super

    but in the payment summary they are

    $30.273 gross

    $2506 tax

    $3190.35 super

    so if i do what you suggested by putting in the difference as in $2073 $54 and $196.95 then save the figures now are



    $393.90 in the payment summary and EOFY report


  • TLee
    TLee Member Posts: 59 Reckoner Reckoner

    @nmac Hi there, I had pulled my hair out with same issues as you for a few days and after another 4 hours of going back and forth trying to work out the explanations yesterday I finally was able to get to a correct EOFY finalisation to send to ATO. I actually posted you a detailed step by step instruction on how I did it last night but it has been removed. Sorry but I did try to help you!

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,664 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager


    Can you run a Payroll Summary Report in your app for me please.

    Go into the 'Reports' section in the app and select the 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 time period.

    What is the breakdown that appears here for this particular employee?

    @TLee - I haven't removed any comments from this post.

  • nmac
    nmac Member Posts: 29 Novice Member Novice Member

    it says reports is a premium feature, i only have basic

  • TLee
    TLee Member Posts: 59 Reckoner Reckoner

    @Rav I wonder what happened to it? Anyway I’ll paste it here again it may help others.

    This is how I edited I the figures to get correct amounts onto the EOFY report to submit to ATO. Heres a step by step description of what I did. (Ofcourse this could be totally wrong but it got me a correct figure report to send in!).

    1. open the App and along the bottom click on EMPLOYEES. Click on the employee you need to edit.
    2. click on top tab PAY SUMMARY.
    3. click on the financial year yr working on (eg 2020-2021).
    4. on top right corner click on the … (3 dots) and choose EDIT on the drop down.
    5. top left click on the correct financial year again.
    6. edit each item as necessary and press SAVE once finished for that employee.
    7. when you look at the summary of the employee in this area it may be different to how it shows in the EOFY summary, So to check the EOFY figure for that employee is now correct continue on to next step.
    8. along the bottom tab options click on PAYRUNS.
    9. click on the top row tab EOFY.
    10. click on the + sign in top right corner and choose End of Financial Year Option.
    11. Choose the financial year option again and then go through the list and check that each employee has the correct EOFY details.
    12. NOTE - if the amount is still not correct, work out the difference and with that difference figure get yourself back to step 6 above and subtract the difference from the figure you had in there. Save and go check again in the EOFY area, it should have fixed it.

    hope this helps.