Bernadina Andrews
I transferred over from Reckon to the new payroll app when it was required. Have been entering all pays in that app since then. However have today received an email from STP saying that I haven't used the Payroll app for sometime. Can you please explain.
The email was from
0 -
Hmmm ok that's interesting. I know that we sent out an email a little back as a reminder to folks who used the STP app but hadn't in a little while as a reminder to them to migrate to the Payroll App. It sounds like this might have been the email you received but I'll need to check if it was sent again today since you mentioned you got it today.
Since you've already migrated to the Payroll App you won't need to do anything as you've already done what you've needed to.
I'll check in with our team though about the email.
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