EOFY gross salary error
EOFY payment summary has been submitted via the Reckon App but the ATO portal still indicates that the EOFY submission is still unfinalised.
Additionally the gross salary figure on the ATO is different to the gross salary figure on the Reckon EOFY statement. Also the payments in the STP are different to the pay run amounts.
Could someone please assist as I’m struggling to figure out the answer!
Many thanks in advance.
@larrykleiman please confirm for which year you are doing the EOFY Payrun. Were all the regular payruns for that year created from within Payroll app and are these showing with success status? Is the ATO gross salary figure you mention from the employee Income statement in Mygov? The ATO amount can also vary if the employee(s) has received payments from other businesses who may have reported STP on their behalf.
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Thank you for your response. Please see responses to questions below:
It is 20/21 EOFY pay run that I am having issues with.
yes, all the pay runs were completed in the app. There are two pay runs that have been rejected but I put these through again at a later date.
No, The gross salary figure is from the ATO portal, which is accessed by my accountant.
No other businesses would have put any payments through for my employees.
I appreciate your assistance.
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Hi Carissa
Just to clarify, have you actually sent through the 2020/21 EOFY finalisation from the Payroll App at some stage previously? If so, you'll find a record of that submission in the STP tab in the Pay Runs screen ➡️ tap on the EOFY option to filter the STP submissions to show any EOFY finalisations that have been sent.
Also, if you attempt to create a NEW End of Financial Year finalisation for 2020/21 in the Payroll App, does it show the correct balances for all your employees? If it does, then if you send through the 2020/21 finalisation it will overwrite any previous balances that the ATO currently have for that financial year.
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Hi Rav,
Yes, I have submitted the EOFY finalisation from the App for FY20/21. I’ve attempted to send through a different EOFY finalisation earlier this year but there is still a discrepancy between the amount on the finalisation through the App and the amount on the ATO portal (as sent through to me by my accountant).
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Hi Larry,
I’ve attempted to send through a different EOFY finalisation earlier this year but there is still a discrepancy between the amount on the finalisation through the App and the amount on the ATO portal (as sent through to me by my accountant).
Sorry just to clarify the above, when you say you've attempted to send through another EOFY finalisation.. did you actually send it through and was it successful? ie. does that new EOFY submission show a 'Success' status message on the STP tab?
And more importantly, are the balances that you see in the Reckon Payroll App correct OR is it the balances in the app itself that are wrong?
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Hi Rav,
Yes, both EOFY finalisation statements show a ‘success’ status. However, when my accountant goes into the ATO portal it says my EOFY statement hasn’t been submitted despite the EOFY finalisation statement showing a ‘success’ statement in the app.
In addition, the EOFY statement figures in the App are not the same as the figures on the ATO portal. Are you referring to the YTD reports in regards to balances? If so, the YTD report figures are different to the initial YTD figures. Neither of the figures in the YTD report or initial YTD page are showing in the ATO portal figures. Let me know if I’m not talking about the correct ‘balances’
Thanks for your assistance.
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It's sounds like there's a breakdown either between your accountant or the ATO portal.
Are you sure they've setup the ATO portal for your ABN correctly? Including GST branch if you have one.
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Thanks for getting back to me @larrykleiman
It certainly sounds like there is something going amiss here which Eric has alluded to above as well.
Can I just confirm, have your setup your Reckon Payroll App account with the correct ABN and GST branch number (if applicable) for what your business entity holds in reality?
Also, when your accountant accesses the ATO Portal to check these details, are they viewing the same ABN and GST branch that you have registered in your Payroll App account?
In addition, the EOFY statement figures in the App are not the same as the figures on the ATO portal. Are you referring to the YTD reports in regards to balances? If so, the YTD report figures are different to the initial YTD figures. Neither of the figures in the YTD report or initial YTD page are showing in the ATO portal figures. Let me know if I’m not talking about the correct ‘balances’
The balances I'm referring to are the employee balances that appear in your End of Financial Year finalisation submission in the Payroll App. Those are the full and final figures that will be sent to the ATO for the respective financial year for the employees that appear in the report. If the balances you see in that finalisation are correct AND you have setup your Payroll App account with the correct ABN & GST branch (if applicable) then I can't see any reason that its not reflecting on the ATO Portal.
With that said though, we don't have any visibility or access to your ATO Business Portal account so can't see how that has been setup and/or any data that appears there so if everything is looking good & correct on the app side of things then the next step might be to give the ATO a call to ask why your submissions aren't being shown there.
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Hi Rav,
I have similar issue, the amount shown in ATO EOFY let say $45xxx which suppose to be $36xxx, when i logged into the app and try to resubmit the amended figures for financial year 20-21 from 45xxx to 36xxx in pay summery app saves and logs me out and it is not saving data. How do we resubmit amended STP- EOFY summery with correct figures?
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Hi Rav,
I’ve used the app in previous years and there were no issues so the set up with the ABN and GST branch shouldn’t be incorrect.
No, the balances in the EOFY financial statement are incorrect.
Is it possible that I can delete everything and re enter it?
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Hi Larry
Ok, if the final balances that you see when you create an End of Financial Year submission in the Payroll App itself is incorrect then the first thing is to get that part of it addressed and then submit the EOFY from the app.
I'm going to link a section from the FAQ in our End of Financial Year guide for the Payroll App below describes this a little more and there is also steps in same guide on how to make corrections to the employee balances.
Making corrections to employee balances can be done by either updating employee Initial Year to Date balances which is found in the employee profile OR by making an adjustment to an incorrect payrun that has been created in the Payroll App itself.
Click HERE for info on how to edit employee Initial Year to Date balances and see the video below on how to edit a pay run created in the Payroll App -
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Why are we breaking our head Larry. I don't think they have solution to the problem. I called ATO, they have physical form which you can submit manually, call them on 13 number but you have to wait for 30 minutes or ask your accountant to post it, so you can amend with correct figure and lodge by POST to ATO. I wasted my two day on this issue on this forum and mobile app with no resolution. App does not save the changes and instructions does not flow correctly. What waste of time.
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