Weird superannuation figure Pay Period 01/06/22-30/06/22
Hi! When I create payroll for CASUAL 1 employee Pay Period 01/06/22-30/06/22 frequency MONTHLY and pay today 28/06/22 Superannuation amount $50 pops out with 10% for Gross $250 amount. It should start from Next month pay and should be 10.5% on gross $250. Why is super comes up this month and why is calculation 20% of $250 monthly Gross amount.
Hi Nilesh,
I've tried to simulate what you've described and from the info you've supplied so far here's my result below.
No super calculated for an employee below $450 with a pay date within this current financial year.
Can you outline your payrun in more detail ie. the breakdown of which earnings items are in use, the super rate entered into the super field and whether or not this employee has been included in any other pay runs this month that have tipped them over the current threshold.
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Thanks RAV. I think my last pay run was on 13/06/22 and paid on 14/06/22 the same amount $250 for the period 01/05/22-31/05/22 Monthly period.
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I think my last pay run was on 13/06/22 and paid on 14/06/22 the same amount $250 for the period 01/05/22-31/05/22
Its the pay date that is the determining factor in where the pay run falls. So if the previous pay run had a pay date of 14/6 then it falls in June regardless of whether the pay period was for 1/5 - 31/5.
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I am having the same issue. For the pay run 1 June 2022 to 30 June 2022 my casual employee has earned $304.92 in ordinary time pay - below the $450 limit for the month. However the app is adding in SGC of $66.06 and I can't get rid of this. Please help.
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What is the pay date (not pay period) that you have entered for the pay run?
Also, have this employee been included in any other pay runs throughout the course of the month that has tipped their earnings over the (current) $450 threshold?
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The pay date is 30 June 2022. The employee is paid monthly so there are no other payments for this month. See screenshot attached.
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Further to this - in the previous month's payrun for 1st May 2022 to 31st May 2022 the employee was paid $355.74. The pay date was 1st June 2022. However under the ATO's rules isn't the pay period which is relevant not the payment date?
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No, its the pay date which is the determining factor when it comes to STP for which month/time period the pay run falls in. Info from the ATO here.
I've attempted to recreate your pay run in my own account to test this and below is my result ie. no super calculated for this employee below $450.00.
Have you double checked that there are no other pay runs (including drafts) that this employee is included in?
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Hi Rav - see my previous comment. There was a pay paid on 1st June and this seems to have triggered it. Wasn't aware that it was based on pay dates. Thanks for your help.
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