ℹ Reckon Accounts Business 2023 Desktop release information

Reckon Accounts Desktop 2023 release information
Hi everyone
We just wanted to give you a heads up on the change in release schedule for Reckon Accounts Desktop software.
Traditionally, there have been two releases for Reckon Accounts in the year - one in March (R1) and one in June (R2). However, from this year and onward, there will only be one release for Reckon Accounts 2023 which will be the R2 release coming in June.
This change will provide our teams the opportunity to dedicate their efforts toward optimising Reckon Accounts, along with completing the large body of work required for Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 compliance requirements.
Rest assured, our June release will still include all the latest features and enhancements that you have come to expect from Reckon Accounts. We will also continue to provide ongoing support and updates to ensure that you have the best possible experience with your software.
We'll be in touch via email and also here on the Community on the release of Reckon Accounts Desktop 2023 in June.
Thank you for your continued support of Reckon Accounts. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reply below and we'll do our best to assist.
Hi Rav,
I just want to clarify the timing of the June (R2) release and first STP2 lodgement.
Our final pay week for the financial year ends on Friday 30th June 2023. Should I install the June (R2) update before the 30th June 2023 and lodge our final pay & end of year finalization OR should I wait until after 30th June to install the R2 update and start off the new payroll year with STP2 compliance requirements?
It is a bit confusing, Thanks Denise
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Our recommendation (and probably best practice too) is to complete your pay runs and EOFY finalisation before you upgrade to the upcoming 2023 edition. Doing so will keep employee data in their MyGov consistent for the payroll year.
We're aiming to have 2023 edition out and available in June earlier than our usual release period which is typically toward the end of the June month pending final testing.
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Thanks Rav, your advice is appreciated.
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Another recommendation for you to consider in order to keep your upgrade to the new version smooth, would be to ensure that if you are the data file owner or the designated user who has the highest access level (administrator), that you are aware of and can login to your company data file (QBW) with the username = Admin and a known password that allows you access.
Knowing this well before the new software is released is highly recommended so that you can get assistance promptly and not get caught up in a long queue of users requesting help at the same time when time is of the essence.
If you are the administrator and you are not able to login with a known Admin password for your data file, then you can request assistance for a password removal service.
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