Payroll Issues
I was wondering if anyone else is having issues with Reckon One payroll?
It is dangerously slow, not pulling through employee information, not calculating wages correctly and I just went to send STP and another clients payroll Gov Connect tile came up which is very worrying.
HI @TonySmith
Thanks for raising this. Is this specific only to the payroll functions in your Reckon One book? ie. are the other areas working normally?
Does the same thing occur on a different browser?
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Hi Rav,
My name is Jo I am the person who wrote this question.
We use the payroll for a lot of our clients and it has been getting progressively worse. Today it is very very slow, not calculating correctly and also twice today when I went to submit STP it opened up another business tile. I have just tried internet explorer and it's the same. I logged a call last Thursday as I had the same problems which in the end would not let me delete a pay run.
If you could progress this issue as I am really worried about being able to do my STP finalisation for all of our clients and also I don't feel i can trust the software as it has not been calculating correctly.
If you can help that would be great.
Kind Regards
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Hi Jo,
We're taking a look at the performance of Reckon One at the moment on our end so hopefully we'll start seeing some improvements there in regard to speed/access to functions etc.
You've mentioned 'not calculating correctly', can you elaborate on that a bit more? Is it related to slow speeds where you're unable to add pay items etc or something else?
The reason I ask is, if our teams can work some magic on getting any performance issues ironed out, it'll only be related to performance whereas if there's something wrong in regard to calculations etc, then that's something altogether different and we'll need more specific info to look into that.
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Hi Jo
You should start to see speed and performance of payroll functions in Reckon One start to improve over the next few minutes if not already.
Hopefully that helps in getting your pay runs created and back to normal.
Sing out if you still have any trouble.
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Hi Rav
We only use Reckon One Payroll and I agree with Jo it has been beyond slow today. Have managed to finalise the INB's and EOFY STP but has taken hours. Am now trying to get this weeks payroll amendments completed and it has become unresponsive a number of times. Having to adjust SG manually as for so reason it is showing 11% in the set up but still 10.5% on the pay run....... I may give up and wait til the excitement of first business day for new FY is over!
😏 Janine
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I've been speaking to our dev team about this and they've worked some tech magic and you should see performance in the payroll side of Reckon One start getting back to normal levels. The team are continuing to monitor as well.
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