Leave Opening Balances

Lee123 Member Posts: 3 Novice Member Novice Member


Previously in Reckon One, to add a Leave Opening Balance for an employee, it was entered under Settings, but with the new Payroll in Reckon One, this doesnt seem to be the case... Can someone please direct me to where I can add a LSL Opening Balance for an employee?



  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,664 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited September 2023

    Hi @Lee123

    Its more streamlined in Reckon Payroll and is done in the employee's profile directly.

    If you've already added the leave item to the employee, head over to their profile and select the option to edit the leave item. You'll then be able to specify the current leave balance for that item.

    If you haven't added the item to the employee yet, just do that first and then follow the steps above to add the opening balance. I've made a quick screen recording below just as an example. Click on it for a larger view.