Recap on the introduction of RPP v31

I've found it interesting going back over the various conversations resulting from the introduction of RPP v31. Particularly, those related to, and from, users running this software on virtual machine environments.

It's my opinion that some of these users owe Reckon and it's staff an apology for jumping to conclusions, without firstly examining their own respective 'backyards'. I refer to those that wanted Reckon to fix their problem, yes, their problem, when, in fact, it wasn't their problem at all!

Well done @Rav and @Datarec and all the very patient and helpful staff at Reckon, for persisting as long as you have, with those running Reckon software on virtual machines who complained unfairly!

Also, well done to the few virtual machine users who dealt with their problem in a cooperative and respectful way within the Reckon Community.

Cheers jc


  • Eric Murphy
    Eric Murphy Member Posts: 224 Reckon Star Reckon Star
    edited January 10

    Well said John. Absolutely agree with you.

    Far too much passing of the buck from certain sections when the issue was one of their own creation. But I suppose it's easier to have a misdirected whinge.

    I had to let out a chuckle at the posts suggesting Reckon speak to Parallels to solve the issue. Laughable.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,666 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Thanks for your feedback as always @John_8305976

    I'm glad to see the Community was able to reach a positive outcome in the end on the troubles some users were encountering. With that said, I believe its important to highlight (again) our desktop-based software is not built for, or tested on Mac or virtual machine environments and never has been.

    We've been fully open and transparent about that for years now so it shouldn't come as a surprise. I appreciate that may be disappointing to certain groups of users and I can empathise with the frustration that can lead to however it's crucial to understand that using the software outside the recommended environments can lead to unpredictable issues that are beyond our ability to support effectively.

    For the best experience, we always recommend using the software in its intended system requirements and environment.