JANE_9714211 Member Posts: 115 Reckoner Reckoner
edited January 2024 in Reckon Payroll

In the old Payroll Premier app, we could print 3 pay slips per page. I can't see an option to do this in the Payroll app after the STP2 update.

Also, is their an edit function for pay slips? Another feature that was in the old app.



  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,652 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @JANE_9714211

    Each individual payslip in Reckon Payroll will download/print/email one to a page only. If including multiple payslips to a page is something you'd like to see though, then I'd definitely recommend adding a feature request on our Ideas Portal HERE as our devs are on the lookout for popular ideas raised and voted for by users.

    Also, is their an edit function for pay slips? Another feature that was in the old app.

    Not yet but I believe this is coming soon. Just for some feedback though, what are you looking to edit/customise in the payslips specifically?

  • JANE_9714211
    JANE_9714211 Member Posts: 115 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hello Rav,

    I will definitely submit a recommendation for the multiple payslips per page. I know the current payslip setup is mostly for the emailing option.

    The edit function was to add or remove text or change fonts etc. Basically, customise the look of the payslip.

    One other thing, in the old app, I was able to print off a banking report and I cannot find it in this new app. Is this available?


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,652 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Thanks @JANE_9714211, that's good info.

    In regard to the report, there's a broader range of reports available in companion Reckon One book you have access to as part of your upgrade to Reckon Payroll. I'll link a bit of info on this below -

    Payroll Premier upgrade - How to access your companion Reckon One book from Reckon Payroll 🔁

    If you switch over to the companion book and select the Reports Centre on the left, it'll give you access to quite a few reports that can provide some additional insights.

    Please note though, the reports you generate in either Reckon Payroll or the companion Reckon One book, will only display data from the payruns created in Reckon Payroll itself. For any reporting on payruns created in Payroll Premier, generate those reports in the Payroll Premier software itself.

    For transparency, I'm personally not quite sure what that specific banking report is so I'll defer to your better knowledge on that but if you can give me an idea then I can try to recommend a report for you 🙂

  • JANE_9714211
    JANE_9714211 Member Posts: 115 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Rav,

    Thanks for the link for the companion Reckon One book. I will have a look at that.

    In regard to the banking report, I was able to see all the employees' names, their BSB and Account details, plus net amount to pay. It was handy to print off for when I did pay transfer.


  • JANE_9714211
    JANE_9714211 Member Posts: 115 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Rav,

    Could you please advise if the edit payslip function is available now in Reckon Payroll?

    It's a feature I would like to use.


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,652 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @JANE_9714211

    There haven't been any changes in this area as yet unfortunately. I'll keep you posted if I hear of any news around this.

  • JANE_9714211
    JANE_9714211 Member Posts: 115 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi Rav,

    It's unfortunate to hear this feature still isn't available. It's something I feel should be implemented.

    Definitely keep me posted if something comes up.
