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We're super excited to announce that Pay Templates are now live in Reckon Payroll! This new feature provides the capability to create, manage and update pay setup information for employees in a single location making it easy to apply settings to multiple employees. This helps save time in manual entry, reduce errors and…
Hi everyone, we're super excited to let you know Reckon Payroll has received a significant new update today! Back in September we communicated the change to the sign-in screen for to This was the first stage of a huge navigation upgrade to Reckon Payroll and with today's update, Reckon…
We're really excited to announce a brand new update to Reckon One that not only gives Reckon One a modern new look but also brings all Reckon One functionality under one cohesive interface! Check out what's included in this update! 🎨 A modern new look! Reckon One has been given a makeover with a modern look and feel…
Hi Everyone! 👋 After a big focus on getting Reckon Payroll STP2 compliant, we’re back and focusing on our accounting features, in Reckon One. We’ve been going through all of our customer feedback and ideas, and prioritising our roadmap according to what’s important to You. There are a number of ways that we’ve been…
Are there any other sections that need to be checked, as even with an email address in book settings in Reckon One, our payslips are still not sending
Hello Hoping someone can assist me here please. Under payroll premier I have an employee for years has a voluntary agreement ex 24% to be taxed on their wage. The TFN has always been put in with no issues. Now we have moved to Reckon payroll - I am now unable to put in a TFN and are asking for an ABN number which they…
We are using Reckon Payroll and find it hard (compared to Reckon One) to know each employees leave balances while processing leave in a payrun. How do we know how much leave the employee has available when they are usually scrapping the bottom of the barrel each fortnight and also, how do we amend leave accruals if…
Hi All, We migrated to Reckon payroll - I have been doing a dummy run for the Christmas period - 2023. With payroll premier,I could enter # 3 (3 weeks) pay period and it works out the tax over 3 weeks. But I have put the unscheduled dates for a 3 week period into Reckon payroll but it only works out the tax over 1 week.…
I printed a Leave Balances report after completing the first pay run. The balance of leave accrued for all our employees on the report is the same as is appearing on their pay slip. I selected the same date as the pay run. However, one day later, I printed out another Leave Balances Report for the same date and checked…
Hi there, Since the upgrade I cannot access my book, whenever I select Payroll from Reckon one I get this page: When I tried to create it again - it tells me the book exists. I am the administrator and owner of the book Please advise as soon as possible - as I need to process the next payrun thanks,
Superannuation is not being calculated on any leave items in my pay run. It is only being calculated on Ordinary Hours. I have checked all the items but feel that something may have been missed? Any solution? Also, we are not able to separate out the leave loading for the purposes of not including it for the calculation of…
Where do I find the reports for reconciling the months PAYG and Super paid plus calculate my Workcover Levy Remittance like we had in Payroll Premier. As I migrated to Reckon Payroll half way through September I have half of the Pay Runs in Payroll Premier and half in Reckon Payroll? I need to get this sorted asap.
Hello, I have an employeed who changed employment status from full time to part time. I changed the employment status in payroll (before the upgrade for STP2) by terminating and the changing to part time. Now in Payroll they are appearing as "terminated" but also Active -I cannot enter a change to the Termination date or a…
I was doing a report for august and notice that one pay run has been put into july and not august do i then need to delete it and resubmit it?
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