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We're super excited to announce that Pay Templates are now live in Reckon Payroll! This new feature provides the capability to create, manage and update pay setup information for employees in a single location making it easy to apply settings to multiple employees. This helps save time in manual entry, reduce errors and…
Hi everyone, we're super excited to let you know Reckon Payroll has received a significant new update today! Back in September we communicated the change to the sign-in screen for to This was the first stage of a huge navigation upgrade to Reckon Payroll and with today's update, Reckon…
We're really excited to announce a brand new update to Reckon One that not only gives Reckon One a modern new look but also brings all Reckon One functionality under one cohesive interface! Check out what's included in this update! 🎨 A modern new look! Reckon One has been given a makeover with a modern look and feel…
Hi Everyone! 👋 After a big focus on getting Reckon Payroll STP2 compliant, we’re back and focusing on our accounting features, in Reckon One. We’ve been going through all of our customer feedback and ideas, and prioritising our roadmap according to what’s important to You. There are a number of ways that we’ve been…
Hi, I have been submitted STP at every payrun correctly through year, but the amount of total gross pay appears different (i.e. less amount) on EOFY Report for one of employee. Please advise me how to correct the total amount gross pay amount? Regards, Yumi
I added a payrun for bonus payments for June 2022 where both employees who received the bonus had already earned more than $450 in the month. However, the payroll app says the $450 is not met, hence $0 super on the bonus. Is there a way to fix this? All other items in EOFY report is correct. Just need to add super amount…
This discussion was created from comments split from: How to correct the gross pay amount at EOY in Reckon Payroll App.
My original submission put the wages for April to June 2022 in the 2022-2023 financial year I have managed to resubmit the pay run and the 2021-22 EOFY report and the ATO has the correct data. However the ATO still has income for the 2022-23 year but the Reckon app says there are no paid employees. How do I delete the…
Hi, I was using the STP app in 2019-2020. I've now become aware that I made an error and duplicated a payrun. I need to gain access to my data to do this in Reckon but Payroll does not recognise my STP login to allow me to do the data transfer to Payroll/\. Could you please contact me to help please?
Hi I have put in on two occasions extra pays during the year how can I delete these two extra pays
Reckon Payroll App update v2.24.45 The Payroll App has received an update to version v2.24.19 which is now available for you to download from your Google Play Store or Apple App Store. This is a small incremental update which brings in a couple of important bug fixes. Termination pay item creation error - FIXED An issue…
Hi all, I processed a pay run in the 21/22 Financial Year and because the gross casual rate did not reach the threshold for SGC the app did not include it in the pay run. I now have to submit an adjustment for the amount of Super so the end of year details are correct in the app; does anyone know how I can do this;…
Hi all, I have reconciled my pay runs with the 21/22 EOFY figures in Mobile App STP and determined that a pay run in September 21 although showing as been "done" it has not been incorporated into the 21/22 EOFY figures. My question is should I resubmit the relevant payrun or process and an adjustment? Thanks
I am unable to find how to do an EOFY reoprt on my Payroll App
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The Reckon Payroll App is available on Android & iPhone! Click the button below to download the app
Manage wages, leave, super and Single Touch Payroll for your employees!