Why cant I get my housing loan repayments to show on my cash flow graph? They do not show under the

Fiona_6464701 Member Posts: 1 Novice Member Novice Member
I have my housing loans coded and they show under property and debt but they do not register in my forecast or show as loan payments


  • Tami
    Tami Member Posts: 45 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi Fiona, 

    That's a great question! I'm looking into this for you as we speak and I'll come back to you ASAP!

  • John G
    John G Reckon Staff Posts: 1,569 Reckon Staff
    edited February 2017

    Hi Fiona,

    I quickly set up a Home Loan and a repayment schedule from 1/7/2013 and came up with this Cash Flow Chart. 

    Are you seeing something like this?

    The way I set it up shows my interest component on the loan but not principal repayments. That’s because the Cash Flow chart handles income and expenses and not Property & Debt (the principal component of your repayment) which are ‘balance sheet’ items.  

    I added the interest charge to the Home Loan account and booked it against an expense account called Interest Paid. The repayments came from my bank account into the Home Loan account.

    For more details on setting up home loan accounts and handling repayments see the help Index and search for: home loans.

    Let me know how you go. 



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